~When I'm good, I'm very good but when I'm sad, I'm better
(Cand sunt bine, sunt foarte bine dar cand sunt suparat, sunt mai bine)
~I won't cry anymore.if you leave.I'll forget everything.I won't speak to you ever again ( Nu voi mai plange... daca pleci.voi uita totul.nu voi mai vorbi cu tine niciodata)
~The world is painted in black and white[lumea e pictata in negru si alb]
~I can't live my life without my angel!; x[Nu pot sa traiesc fara ingerul meu]
~Dream as if you live forever and live as if you die today [Viseaza ca si cum ai trai pentru totdeauna si traieste ca si cum ai muri azi]
~Good friends are like stars.you don't always see them, but you know they're always there!(Prietenii buni sunt ca stelele.nu ii vezi intotdeauna dar stii ca mereu sunt acolo.)
Intrebari si momentul ala...
Short Storyintrebari vs momente janante din viata cu zi de zi :P (etc)