The next one?

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Angela POV
After what happened to Nicole and the text I was really scared, I told my mom I was totally fine but idk maybe A wants to scare me ? It was really late and everyone was sleeping dad today came drunk so mom make him sleep and I can't sleep so I open my laptop and watch gossip girl ❤️😭 i am going to finish it is so sad.well I finsh watching 3 episodes😐👊🏻 and finally go to bed
Because my mom yelled to me 😓
----------------------- 7:00-----------------------
My alarm rings and I awake it was really hard so i turn it off it was Saturday which means no school but my parents forced me to awake early all day,what a pity!
I totally know that I sleep 5 minutes but no my clock shows a different hour as always 😔😭 it was 7:38 and i am still on bed PERFECT.
-Angela!- my dad yelled opening the door
-good morning- I said smiling as I don't notice his mood -do you know what hour is ?- he said entering and looking really mad - umm I guess 7- I said and looked at my phone as I was recently awake then i looked surprised -yes and you know what it means.. No dance practice today- he said and goes away not letting me argue. I hate him and his stupid rules😤 anyways I enter to my closet to pick up my outfit for today and my phone buzzed
Poor Angela she thinks she can defeat me guess who will be next?-A
Ahhh that really scares me and gets me really mad😡 A is so f****** annoying I wish I could disappear
Taylor POV
I was picking an outfit to go to Sarah's recital but I don't know what to wear!😱
So I pick my favorite outfits and I went down to eat breakfast and as always my dad look at me -what?!-I said looking while making my cereal he just look -don't talk to your dad like that!- my mom said with a serious look -fine- I answer eating something -go to your room!- my dad yelled -dad?- i said very nervous he was really mad at me once he beat Tyler because he answer like that to dad-GO TO YOUR ROOM- he replies with a very serious room as he touch his belt "fuck" I went running to my room crying I lay in bed locking the door. I put my headphones and listen some music I fell asleep until 1:00 o'clock then a text message comes and it was from A
-Oh my little Tay are you ok I am worse because I don't warn -A
Fuck🔫 I was totally bad,my dad,my mom and now A? Seriously
Short chapter really busy ❤️😐 school finished yesterday 👊🏻😓💪🏿 I have great ideas 🌎😱 and yes I am writing 5🎉🎉🎉 chapters so finally soon I will upload them 😉 love you and happy summer💗🎉🎉🙉🙅🏻

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Jul 24, 2017 ⏰

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