Take me away

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Everything is spinning, the flashing lights the people laughing, everything is blurry as hell. How I love the feeling of being drunk. It’s my way of being happy for a little while, as you get drunker you forget more things. This is exactly what I want. I know that I can handle my alcohol but this time I think I have had a bit too much. As I’m walking outside the cold crisp London air hits me. It’s going to take me a while to get use to this. I see a park bench that looks rather comfy at the moment, as I’m walking to sit on the bench someone falls into me. Or should I say on me.

“Hey pretty lady” he slurred his words as the stench of vodka on his breath fills my nostrils.

“Uh hey woo are you okay?” I ask as the man stumbles a bit further.

I walk him over to the park bench with me and sit him down while I sit next to him.

“Do you know who I am?” He asked in his thick British accent.

“No sorry I don’t think we have met” I reply and before I could even get a proper glimpse of his face I hear him gagging and soon after that gag I feel a warmth spill onto my legs. Great he’s thrown up on me.

“I’m Harry” He states before holding up his hand expecting me to shake it.

“Come on let’s get you home” I say while slinging his arm around my shoulder and walking to the side of the street.

As a taxi pulls up I through Harry in the back seat and slide in after him. I notice that he has completely passed out. Shit.

“Where to?” The taxi driver asked.

“Uhm just a sec sorry.” I say as I reach for Harry’s phone in his pocket as I can hear it buzing.

“Hello?” I say into the phone.

“Hello? Who’s this where’s harry?” asked a man on the other end. He seems worried.

“It’s okay Harry’s in the back of a taxi now he kinda passed out on me can you please just tell the taxi driver where he lives so I can get him home?” I say into the phone then I pass it to the taxi driver.

After a short second the taxi driver hands me back the phone and I slide it back into Harry’s pocket.  

I have no idea where I’m going and why I’m taking a stranger home but I’m just doing what I usually do when I’m drunk. Going with the flow.

“Where here” the taxi driver says.

“Thank you, keep the change” I say as I’m getting out of the car with Harry on my shoulder.

“Enjoy your evening ma’am” The taxi driver replies.

I turn around with Harry still passed out on my shoulder and one arm slung around me, to be faced with a huge house. I notice that there is a little  box at the fence with a speaker on it and a whole heap of buttons. Oh god I’m too drunk for this. Okay you can do it Crystal you can do it.

I walk over to the little box and press the button that has a green telephone on it.

“Uhm hello? I have your friend here”

“Thanks just bring him inside” they respond and I hear a click and notice a gate opening. Holey hell these people have too much money.

I finally make it up the drive way to be greeted with a huge door.

Huge door for a huge house. Seems legit.  I knock on the door and within seconds it flies open.

“Hello love! Come in sit him over here” A very cheery young man says, he is actually very cheery they must be brother or something.

“Here let me help” The man said. He slung Harry’s other arm over his shoulder and walked towards a large couch. God everything is so big here.  As we sat him down I sat down next to the drunken passed out man.

“Are you okay love?” The other cheery man asked.

“Yeah I’ll be fine just had a bit too much to drink.” I replied. The man left the room and I stood up and followed. There was no way that he was leaving me in there with him. As I followed him we walked into a kitchen.

“Did you want some water?” He half yelled not noticing I was behind him.

“Uhm actually do you mind if I borrow your phone to call a taxi?” I asked, which made him jump. He spun around extremely fast, and oh boy the look on his face, I nearly lost it.

“How about you go upstairs and clean yourself up, Eleanor can bring you some clothes. The bathroom is up stairs, first room on the left.” I had completely forgot that Harry had thrown up on me.

“Uh yeah  I can thank your friend for this mess. Thank you uh…” I trailed off.

“Louis.” He smiled.

“Thanks Louis.” I spun on my heel and headed for the bathroom. As I entered the bathroom I noticed how big it was. There bathroom was bigger than my apartment. I striped off and turned the tap on. Instead of having a hot shower like I usually do I turned just the cold water on. I needed to sober up a bit. As I stepped out of the shower I heard a soft knock on the door.

“Just a sec” I said as I grabbed a towel. I opened the door to a very stunning girl in front of me holding a pile of clothes. Great now my self esteem is down to negative numbers.

“Hey darl I brought you some clothes to change into.” She said holding the clothes out.

“Thank’s you must be Eleanor” I said with a smile on my face.

“Yeah and you are?”


“Friend of Harry’s or Fan of the band?” She asked

“Fan? I don’t even know the guy sorry, all I know is he likes falling and throwing up on people he doesn’t know” I explained.

“You really don’t know who he is or who Louis is and the rest of the boys?” she asked with shock on her face.

“I’ve heard the names before but I’ve never actually ya know listened to them or took interest in them” I said and regretting it once I said it.

“Okay that sounded really mean, I’m a little shut off from the rest of the world you know?” I tried to make it sounds a bit better.

“Yeah that’s okay darl, now hurry up and get changed and come downstairs” She said before closing the door behind her.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2013 ⏰

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