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Jennie woke extremely early the next morning, mostly her guardian's fault for making so much noise while she was asleep on the couch, it sounded like he was rocking out on cooking pans with spoons. Not a lovely sound to wake up to. She sat up, hair frazzled and messy, eyes only half open. It had to be only three o' clock.

"Scrap!" She heard Ratchet curse, his voice a loud whisper. Jennie stood up and walked over to the railing.

It appeared her guardian had dropped a box of tools on his foot, and was now scooping the mess together and back into the box, grumbling in pain and agitation. Jennie laughed.

"So your not as perfect as you act, eh?" She teased, earning a glare.

"Why are you awake?" He growled.

Jennie crossed her arms, and raised an eyebrow. "Really? You woke me up with that racket." A yawn escaped her lips, as she leaned against the railing tiredly. Ratchet sighed and set the box near the monitors, before looking at her.

"If anyone asks, I went for a drive." He said to her as he transformed into his vehicle mode. Jennie ran down the steps eagerly, seeming to forget her exhaustion as she raced over to her guardian.

"Great! I'm coming." She exclaimed, jumping into his passenger seat. "We can talk."

"No your not!" Ratchet growled, refusing to move. He wasn't about to budge with that... pest in his seat.

Jennie let out a long whine. "Ratchet... I really want to get to know you, but I can't when you act like such an antisocial hermit. Please?" She ran a hand over the dashboard, as some sort of pleading action. Ratchet groaned.

"Fine," he started his engine. "But don't expect me to start liking you." Jennie frowned, but didn't say anything further as the medic drove off and out of base. It was still very dark out, the night sky glittering with stars. She leaned against the window, watching them, a smile coming to her lips.

"What's it like?" Her question was quiet, and curious.


"Space. What's it like?" Jennie asked, turning her attention to the steering wheel, tilting her head a little.

A sigh escaped Ratchet. "It's... spacious, free, uncontrolled." He huffed. "And can offer a great deal of distance between you and Earth."

"I used to think stars were the prettiest things that existed," Jennie said, deep in thought, knowing this was the best conversation they have had. "That is, until I saw your eyes..."

If Ratchet would've been able to, he'd send her a surprised look; instead he cleared his throat awkwardly and ended the conversation by saying, "uh, how old did you say you were?"

She gave an angry growl, but otherwise stayed silent. Whenever she tried to have a moment, he just had to ruin it, much to her dismay, she truly wanted him to like her, but... he just didn't. Ratchet seemed so.. without care towards her, he may not want to deal with her, buy he could at least pretend to give a scrap about his charge. Jennie didn't want to admit it, but it hurt so bad knowing he wanted nothing to do with her, even after he protected her against her father. Surely her guardian felt something...

"J-Jennie..." Ratchet interrupted her thoughts, his tone uneasy and fearful, which worried Jennie. She straightened up, becoming alert.


"We're being followed." He turned into an alley (they'd reached Jasper by now) and sped up a little.

Jennie looked in his rear view mirror. "By who?" Her guardian didn't answer, only made another turn before pulling behind a few dumpsters and shutting off his headlights, hoping hiding would buy them time to find a way to escape their pursuer. A black car with purple stripes, followed by a navy blue Jeep, drove by, headlights dim to help track their target, who remained silent. When the light they gave off disappeared around another corner, Ratchet sighed with relief and pulled out, only for something to slam into the driver side of his vehicle mode.

The medic yelped in surprise and pain, as his charge let out a terrified scream. Ratchet transformed, making certain that Jennie landed safely buckled in his chest captivity, before engaging the vehicon that had attacked him. The vehicon was taken down with ease, only being a weak drone, but combat became a problem when the blue Jeep came back around the corner with another vehicon and transformed.

"Breakdown," Ratchet said through gritted denta, as the blue 'Con smirked and transformed one servo into a hammer.

"Haven't seen Prime's pet for a while." Breakdown sneered, his yellow optics gleaming. "Are you lost, little fella? I didn't see any lost posters around town..."

Jennie, inside her guardian's chest captivity, clung to the seat and hoped the seat belt would hold, feeling a fight coming on. Ratchet, please don't give me whiplash... She silently begged.

With a loud snarl, Breakdown charged the medic, swinging his hammer with all his strength. Ratchet dodged and swiped at his arm with his blade, leaving a clean cut on Breakdown's bicep, earning an angry growl from the blue mech. Breakdown swung again, much faster, and hit the medic in the shoulder, sending him into a building.

"AaaaaaaAAAAAH!" Jennie screamed.

"Uhgh..." Ratchet groaned in pain, before preparing to defend himself from another attack. Breakdown charged yet again, swinging his hammer, which the medic barely dodged.

While Ratchet was dodging, the vehicon accompanying Breakdown managed to get a perfect couple of shots at firing repeated blasts into Ratchet's lower back, causing him to cry out in pain and fall to his knees, a puddle of energon forming around him.

"Not so tough now, are you, little lost puppy?" Breakdown teased, standing over him with a smirk. "Megatron will be pleased."

"Ratchet?" Jennie whimpered, tears coming to her eyes. "Are you okay?"

Her guardian didn't answer, only groaned in pain and shifted to try to stand. Breakdown growled and stomped a ped on Ratchet's back and forced him down.

"Agghn..." Ratchet choked out, feeling his ventilation be crushed.

"You can't be leaving yet, no, you're coming with us." Breakdown said teasingly, stepping down harder and drawing a yelp of pain from the poor medic. "We're taking you to Megatron."

Transformers Prime: Result of ImpactWhere stories live. Discover now