A Knock At Your Door

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*** Song of the chapter: You Found Me by The Fray <3 ***

The rain was coming down hard that night, I walked the wet streets of the city, watching the bright lights and the few people with umbrellas over their heads practically running around. They were trying to escape the rain, while I enjoyed it. Looking down, I noticed that the manila folder was slowly falling apart. I had tried my hardest to keep it safe from the water pouring from the sky, but it was no use. Opening it quickly, the pen was smearing down each paper. My name was barely there anymore, but everything else was readable.

I tripped on my own two feet and fell to the ground with a light bang. A hushed "Damn it," left my mouth. I could tell I looked a mess, even without a mirror. I was a wreck, a girl with nowhere to go, no memory of anything past an hour ago, and worst of all I felt like a runaway. I ran from the hospital, from the only people who seemed to care enough about me to try and help. I was a sad case. Nothing but a lost cause. A sorry excuse for a seventeen year old.

Thunder roared from above me, and I could almost feel it shake the ground I was laying flat on. Standing to my feet, I brushed myself off and continued to walk. Who knew what time it was, anyways?

"Excuse me, do you have the time?" I tried my hardest to politely ask the man walking past me. He was middle aged, his mustache had water droplets dripping from it. I stifled a laugh.

"It's nearly two in the morning darling, what are you doing outside at this hour? In a - hospital gown?" He questioned, his eyebrows arching.

"It's a long story. I'm heading home now. Thank you, sir!" I said, as we bid out goodbyes. He was nice. A little old, but nice nonetheless.

I blew my hair out of my face, the natural color was brown, but soaking wet it looked almost black. The white and blue hospital dress was so worn out, my bare back was shaping, and I didn't feel the least bit comfortable. I began to get desperate. I wanted something warm to wear, and suddenly I wanted to go back to the hospital. Atleast I was able to eat there. The streets of London, I think, were cold, wet, and filled with screams and cries of my depression. Desperate as I was getting, I started walking a little faster. I knocked on a few doors before stopping in front of a house so different from the rest of them lined up against the sidewalk. This one was so unique, I couldn't place my finger on it. I walked the four steps, and raised my fist to the door. I knocked softly, and not even ten seconds passed before I got anxious. Was no one awake at this time? What was so hard about answering your door and helping a girl out? I sunk to the ground and say against the door. Hushed voices were heard on the inside from out here, and the wood door slowly opened a crack. I turned around to face a very sleepy, confused, and concerned boy. He rubbed his eyes and blinked a few times before snapping back into reality.

"Oh my god, boys!" He yelled through the house and turned back to me, "Come on love, let me help you," he said sweetly. He took my petite hand in his larger one, and led me into the house.

"What's going on, Liam?" One of the five boys asked. So the one with my hand is Liam.

"Ask questions later, help this girl now," he said flat out. He allowed me to have a seat on the very comfortable couch, and turned on a single light. I got a better look at the house.

The walls were a light blue, and it was very well organized. I think I was in the living room, and the four other boys stood in front of me, while Liam paced back an forth.

"Dude, calm down. I'm not going to murder you," I said in an amused tone. He disregarded my comment, and began instructing each boy to do something different. Wow, he was helpful, really.

The boys stood in a single line, side by side. I examined them as Liam told them what to do. "Niall, go make her a cup of tea. Not too sweet. Harry, fix up a bowl of soup. She'll need something to eat, look how thin she is! Zayn, you can go gather a few blankets and pillows. We'll be fixing this lovely girl here a tent in the lounge tonight. And Louis, you're the smallest out of all of us, grab her a pair of your sweats and one of your t-shirts. You look the same size."

Each boy followed their command and were back in the kitchen in a matter of minutes. The blonde boy set down a rather large cup of tea, steam floating upwards from the white cup. I gave him a small smile as he backed away and stood with the other boys. The curly haired one was next, wearing only his boxers.

"Don't mind Harry, love." The blonde, Niall, told me. His Irish accent was beautiful, so captivating.

Harry sat down the bowl of steaming hot soup in front of me, it making a sound on the wood table as he did. He made a waiter-like gesture and I tried my best not to giggle at him. The darker boy with the stunning black hair, his name was Zayn, I remembered, lied blankets and pillows down on the couch next to me, and ushered his way back to the other boys as well. I sat back as the oldest looking boy, Louis, despite the 's' at the end of his name it was pronounced with an 'e' sound, held his hand out for my to take and lifted me to my feet. He led me around the table and to his side. I took a closer look at him. His bright bright blue-green eyes had a familiar sparkle in them, his brown hair was tousled and tossed to one side, and his figure was slim yet built. He looked so familiar, yet where I remembered him from was lost in my memory. Louis led me to a single bathroom, and handed me a pair of clothes and a black bra and panties set. I looked up at him, confused.

"They're my girlfriend Eleanor's, but I'm sure they'll fit you."

"Do you mind if I shower? I'm kind of freezing.." I asked, quite shyly at first. Well, what did you expect really? I just randomly showed up at their house, I wasn't just going to use their water without some sort of permission.

"Go ahead, love." He said, gave me a small smile, and shut the door so I had privacy. I quickly undressed and turned on the faucet. I stepped into the water, it burned my skin at first, but then it was comforting running down my bare back.

I took fifteen minutes, give or take a few minutes, to take my shower and feel clean again. I tried to take as long as I could, for I knew that when I went back into the room the five boys were all in still, they were going to ask questions. I could not give them any answers if even I didn't know them. What was I going to say to them? They would surely kick me out if I had no explanation for being there.

Stepping out of the shower and onto the comfy mat, I wrapped one towel around my wet body, and tied my long hair up in another. As I dried off, I continued to search my mind for what had reminded me of that boy. Louis.

Who was he? And why did he look so familiar to me? I asked myself loads of questions, even though I didn't know the answer to them. Slipping into Louis' slightly fitting shirt, I took in his scent, and something came to my mind. I suddenly was thinking about that dream I had in the hospital many times. That boy, my dream boy, if you would call him. Something clicked as I remembered back to what he looked like. He and Louis shared a few similar qualities, like the tousled hair and sparkly teal eyes. But nothing really added up. I didn't even know who this kid was until about a half an hour ago.

I sighed as I shook it off. There was a knock at the bathroom door, and muffled voices heard from outside of it as I pulled the gray sweatpants on. I tied them around my waist and pulled my hair out of the towel crown. The dark curls cascaded down my back, and I decided to put them up in a loose bun on the top of my head.

I reached for the doorknob but decided to get in a quick listen. "Come on, Liam, we can't just keep her here!" A deep voice asked, and I recognized it as the dark haired boy, Zayn.

"And why not, mate?" Liam's soft voice shot back.

"She's a stranger, we don't even know her name!" A deeper voice said. Harry.

"Her name is Abigail, I peeked into the folder she had when she got here. Abigail Novak, it said."

I grew tired of waiting and turned the knob.

"I guess it's time to talk now, huh boys?" I asked, a smirk making its way onto my lips as I glanced between the five of them. I let out a long sigh, and made my way back to the living room. I took a sip of my tea, and chuckled.

"Go ahead, ask me whatever you want. I can't guarantee ill be able to answer you though." My voice was soft, full of fear. What were they going to think of me? I barely knew myself, how was I going to let them get to know me? The boys' eyes all had a similar gleam in them; they were confused too.

Authors Note; Yay, the boys are in this one! I know this ones kinda boring, but the next one is going to be a filler. Who was Abigail's 'dream boy'? Do you think she's going to remember anything because of the boys? (:

-Bree :*

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