As they rushed twords me , I pulled my Bo Staff out quickly as possible. I ducked the first strike and blocked the next one, But then 2 other members of the Shift clan bum rushed me and took me to the ground. They started punching and kicking me , Before I knew it I was in a world of hurt. They turned me around and I found myself hurt bad , as the leader of the Shift clan stood over me, "We got ya know dont we" He said as he kicked me, He was interupted by the sound of Gekido "Hey! Leave my brother alone now!" Gekido yelled as He jumped off the rooftop and landed 20 feet infront of the Shift leader, "Well well , looks like we got another member to join" Shift leader said "Im sick of this asshole, Get him now!" The Shift leader demanded , as the Shift members rushed twords my brother. He pulled his Bo Staff out and rushed twords them as well , He blocked all of the shots, kicking some of the members down, he then leaped twords there leader and swiped him with his Staff, which made him stumble back wards, It was then 4 members of the Shift clan grabbed him and threw him on the ground, as 3 other Shift members was kicking him. I Tried to get up, But was punched in the face by the Shift leader, I fell to the ground, I looked over to my brother getting beat up, It was then I blacked out..