Chapter 3

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 Don't forget, Louis switched schools halfway through the school year.

Louis' POV

Liam pushes the doors open and we all walk in. The first thing I see is a hallway full of magic-filled teenagers. In other words, I see a very crowded hallway.

Then my eyes caught someone else's.

A boy. A cute boy, I might add.

My eyes went wide and I sucked in my breath. I could practically feel my eyes glowing their unnatural shade of blue. My skin also got cold. My temperature dropped. I knew I should look away, but I just can't.

He has curly hair which is chocolate brown, piercing jade eyes, plump lips, skinny legs, long torso, tall, too. Perfect. Perfect with perfect flaws.

He to, has not looked away and feel as if I'm in some kind of abyss, just him and I. His eyes are also glowing, a fiery red. Beautiful shade.

"Did you feel that? It got colder."

I tear my eyes away when I hear Niall's Irish accent. That was intense. I can feel my body temperature rise, back to normal, and my eyes stop glowing.

Harry's POV

My eyes start to glow there fiery red, I just know it. I know I can control when they glow, so that means I am looking at something or someone I like. My body temperature rises, matching the scenery of my eyes. Zayn is next to me and I think, no scratch that, I know he knows what I'm thinking.


I hear Zayn's voice in my head tell me. His name is Louis.

Louis is well....beautiful, drop dead gorgeous. He has brown feathery hair, the bluest eyes I have ever seen, bluer than any ocean, thick thighs, a cute little tummy, high cheekbones, small little hands, just adorable.

I just wanna hug him forever and cuddle him and never let go.

Oh my God, Harry please stop, you're staring. And you're burning up.

I don't care , I tell him. When Zayn talks to you with his mind, you can respond, but only when he is talking to you, through your mind. I feel him distance himself from me.

Your eyes are glowing. Aren't you embarrassed?

I know, I don't care and no. Louis' eyes are glowing so it doesn't matter.


I feel him leave my thoughts and continue my staring. That sounds creepy, but it's not when the other person is also staring.

He finally look away when his friend, that I hadn't noticed before, says something to him. My eyes stop glowing, going back to their original green and my temperature quickly drops. I feel Zayn scoot back over to me, but not to close. It's not my fault my temperature rises when my eyes glow.

"Dude, you totally have a thing for that Louis kid."

"I know."

Louis' POV


"I said it got colder. It's gone though, feels normal now." I instantly knew what he was talking about when he said that it got colder.


"For what?"

"That was me. I made it colder, an accident. Sorry"

"That's so amazing. And don't worry about it, it wasn't that cold."


"Well, let's get to class," Liam pipes up.


I walk into my first class, which I have with Liam and Niall. This is a class that talks about controlling your gifts. You have it twice a day, so I also have it for second period.

The first thing I see when I enter is that cute boy from the hallway. Our eyes meet and I immediately feel my eyes glow and my temperature drop. His eyes glow and the room gets.....warmer.

Then a little tornado forms in the classroom. Oops.

"Hey, look at that!" I hear someone say.

"Look, Sir, there's a tornado in the classroom!" Then all the idiots come and surround the funnel cone of wind.

I guess his gift has something to do with warm, because when cold air and warm air meet, they chase each other in a circle, forming a tornado.

I look away, knowing that when I do, the tornado will disappear. And it does. Then everybody "awws" and they all return to their seats.

"Mr. Guy, this is Louis...

"Tomlinson" I say, knowing that Liam did not know my last name.

"Right, Louis Tomlinson, your new student."

"Well, hello Mr. Tomlinson, you can go and sit wherever you'd like."

"Hello Mr. Guy." What an unusual name, never heard a name like that.

I follow Liam and Niall to the back of the class and sit next to Liam.

"Hey, what's that guy's name?" I ask referring to the curly-haired lad.

"Oh, that's Harry Styles, his gift is heat. He can create a fire and incinerate anything with the snap of his fingers or a wave of his hand. He can also make rooms really hot."

"Wow, quite opposites," I say,thinking out loud.

"That indeed you are. His skin is also boiling hot, if you touch it, you could 3rd-degree burns, if it's hot enough." Liam says.

"That's cool, I can also do that, kind of. My skin is cold and if you touch me, I can give you frostbite or pneumonia. I can freeze any water and freeze any substance."

"Nice," Niall says.

"Not really, it's a blessing and a curse." I then lean closer and whisper," You guys know that tornado that happened earlier in the classroom?"

They both nod their heads and say simultaneous "yeah's".

"That was because my body temperature dropped and Harry's probably rose, the air mixed and created a tornado."

"How come that didn't happen in the hallway?"

"What?" I blush at his question.

"Come one dude, I totally saw you staring at him." Liam said.

"Whatever. Anyway it didn't happen because we were too far apart."

"Okay class, today we are going to talk about the weather and if you can, how to control your powers so you don't affect it. We don't need another tornado. Styles, Tomlinson." Mr. Guy sais interrupting our conversation.

I blush. First of all, it's my first day and I already got called out by the teacher. Second of all, how did he know it was me and Harry, he didn't even know what my gift was.

I groan this is going to be a long day.

AN Sorry I took a nap, this should've been up earlier, but hey, at least it's up. Um so yeah. Well, bye.

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