chapter eight

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Chapter eight

Tori’s POV

I looked at Rayne house my mouth open. “This is your place?” I asked him. he nodded. “We don’t live alone just about one to two hundred families live here.” he said and I nodded. “Sasha included.” He told me I smiled and let him lead me into the house. “Wow.” I mouthed looking around.

“Mom!” he called out. a woman ran over to us as Rayne took my coat. She smiled at me. “You must be Tori! I’m Karrie.” she said hugging me. I nodded and kept a hold of Rayne’s hand. “Rayne your father will be home from work today.” She told us. Rayne smiled and pulled me closer. “that’s great mom.” He told her. I smiled at them. “I’m going to show Tori around.” Rayne told his mother and pulled me to a staircase.

“here’s my room.” he said pulling me into a bedroom. He’d already taken me to a game room music room and showed me where everything else was. I smiled looking at the third door. I know one had to be his closet. the other was open showing his bathroom. “What’s that?” I asked him. “Dark room.” he told me shrugging. I smiled and sat on his bed. “So what’s up?” I asked him and he smiled at me. “Why would something have to be up I just want you to meet my parents.” He laughed sitting next to me.  I shrugged. “You just seem nervous.” I said snuggling into his side. “It’s nothing angel.” he whispered kissing my hair. I pulled out the picture of the place I ran to after my mother funeral. He took in a breath. “This is the same place I love to go to.” He told me. “Take me there?” I asked him. he smiled. “I was going to. Hu way to ruin my surprise.” He said looking in my eyes. “I love you.” I whispered his smile got wider. “I love you too angel.” he said making me blush. Now all I need to know is will he love me after he knows I’m insane. “Would you still love me if I was crazy?” I asked him. “Why would you ask that?” he asked me surprised. “no reason.” I lied backing out. he didn’t believe it but nodded and held me close. “Come on it’s almost time for supper.” He said helping me up. I smiled and followed him down to meet his dad.

When I got down stairs his mom was kissing someone I covered my poor eyes like I used to do at the asylum when people did something to gross me out. Sasha saw me and laughed. I flipped her the bird. She rolled her eyes and sat down next to Josh. Rayne pulled out a chair for me and sat next to me. I went bright red when he kissed my forehead and sat down next to me. I covered my face with my hair as a hand brushed the hair out of my face. “Don’t hide angel.” Rayne whispered in my ear. “Aww remember when we were like that!” Karrie said and I went beat red. “She get’s embarrassed easier than you ever did.” An older version of Rayne said. “hello dear I’m Heath.” He said shaking my hand and sitting on Rayne’s other side. “hi.” I whispered and I felt Sasha take my hand she knew I was nervous. I smiled at her and pulled my hand from hers taking Rayne’s. “So Rayne tells us you draw.” Karrie said I smiled. “Yhea. Sam Ryder and I are making the entire back drop for the school play. He’s doing to mechanics and I’m doing everything else. “Sam Ryder the delinquent?” Karrie asked me. “he’s pretty cool once you get to know him.  and yhea the original intention for him working for me was to learn some discipline. I think he’s enjoying doing something like this. He knows what he’s doing. You really are going to have to see the finished project.” I told them. “We’ll try.” Seth told me I smiled and looked at the food on my plate. Wondering how it got there. I saw Rayne smiled at me putting food on his plate. Oh.

Dinner was nice. Fish rice and veggies. I looked at Rayne he was taking my to the waterfalls tonight. I smiled and took his hand as he led me into the woods. I took a deep breath when we reached it fifteen minutes later. I smiled and sat on a rock as Rayne started pulling his cloths off so he was just in his boxers. “Let’s go for a swim.” He said and jumped in. I smiled and pulled my clothes off revealing my back bra and underwear. I jumped in and swam with him. “It’s cold!” I said as he pulled me under. He laughed. “No it’s not this is warm.” He laughed and swam to the falls. “Follow me.” he said and went under I followed him and tried to figure out where he went when a hand grabbed my wrist and pulled me on the other side of the falls. I gapped and sat down looking at it. there were blankets and cloths. Rayne tossed me a shirt and pants. “how?” I asked him. “there’s a tunnel that leads to the top of the falls I fell down once. I’ll go get our cloths.” He said and went back in the water. I sat down on a pile of pillows and pulled a blanket around me. I love him. but can I tell him without him freaking out? will he leave me? will he call me a freak and strand me here? I burst into tears at the thought of him leaving me.

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