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The music is loud, my dress is suffocation and quite frankly I don't want to be here. There are men and women walking with trays of drinks which I will not be having. Just the lighting alone is enough to give me headache.

The room is feeling tight and my friends have already started drinking. One is dancing on a man and another is drinking. I am sitting alone in this dark corner people watching.

I could have been home watching something on Netflix. I could be in something a lot more comfortable. I could be doing something like mopping around being sad. Seriously, what am I doing here?

"You're thinking."

I turned to see him. He was fairly tall he had on a suit. You couldn't tell if he was somewhat of a blonde but my guess he was mostly brown and with his eyebrows you could hardly see his eyes. I looked back to the dancers and he stood there.

"I'm not interested." I said.

"Neither am I." But he continued to stand there.

"Could you stand anywhere else?"

"This is my spot. I come here at this hour and this is where I sit. I'm waiting for you to move, kindly. I could have removed you but I figured you'd get up on your own."

Slightly embarrassed I nodded, "You were right." I stood from my seat and walked away again wondering; what am I doing here?

I took a seat slightly more exposed at the bar. Only to have a man come over to buy me a drink that I wouldn't be drinking. Then offer for a dance that I wouldn't be taking.

I swiftly decline, "I don't dance." After that he walked away and I told the bar tender, "That's for you." She smiled and took it down while I made my way to the exit.

I had come with friends but the music was enough. I didn't want to be there I would rather be at home sulking in my sadness. I wasn't ready I knew I wasn't ready. The air was harsh as it blew. It slapped my exposed skin and made me wish I went with the tights.

"You need a ride?"

"No I'm waiting on a taxi." I didn't need to turn around and see who it was because I didn't care.

"I'm an uber driver I can take you."

I turned to see a man boy with blonde hair and blue tips. His eyes were the same color and he was dressed in a simple tank and denim jacket along with leather pants.

"Let me see your credentials."

"Are you serious I'm just trying to be nice-"

"You'll have to forgive me but we live in a world that when you're being nice you want something. And it doesn't help that you're a man."

He smirked, "Fair enough...but I'm gay. I'm not interested in your vagina."

"Oh...well I'll take that ride then." By the look of his outfit I believed him. He was way too cute to not be gay.

The clubbing and partying was never really my thing still isn't really my thing. I just love my friends and I try to hang but I just wasn't ready to party. My girls they were; just trying to help me the only way they know how. They still think if you have a few drinks sleep with someone new you can move on in no time. I just can't I thought I was falling in love with the guy and he just ends things because I'm prudish. Which I'm not.

"Uh since your ride is free do you want to stop at McDonald's for breakfast?"

"It's 11 at night...."

"McDonald's serves breakfast all day. So it's breakfast time all day."

"I can definitely eat."

We had stopped to eat. He had a McGriddle with iced tea and I had a fries and shake. We talked mostly about him and his last uber pick up. Apparently it was some rich ass hole with an attitude. His phone went off and he looked at me with an annoyed expression.

"I have an uber pick up same guy."

When we went back to the club we seen him outside with two guards. He came and sat down beside me.

"And now you're in my ride."

"It's uber you don't own it."

He smirked, "Damien Morse."


"That's it? Short for Vanessa perhaps?"

"No it's just Nessa."

"Well just Nessa I don't think it's any coincidence that I've run into you two times in one night."

"Maybe. But I don't believe in fate."

"Neither do I. Nothing is done by chance."

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