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Marisa is upset with me. I can tell because she is being very distant. She waits until after I come inside and hang up my jacket to take it. She puts the food on the table and calls me on the phone rather than telling me herself. She doesn't wish to see me and I can't fathom why my relationship has anything to do with her.

"Marisa get in here." I call her into my study.

She stands in front of me, her pale skin and and dark hair. I sigh as she still refuses to look at me.


"May I be frank with you sir."

"Always you know that."

"I don't want to look at you."

"I've noticed." I recline in my chair. "Why not?"

"You pushed Miss Vanessa away. She is a nice girl and she's good for you."

"Marisa...I didn't push her away she chose to leave."

"Why didn't you tell her the truth?"

"That is the truth."

"You and I both know the truth."

"No one can make you do anything Marisa."

"Your father did." She stands.

"I didn't dismiss you."

"I don't understand why you choose to push her away then allow her to leave. She's left you on such a bad note. Do you wish for her to move on with someone else?"


"Answer me, sir."

"You're not my babysitter anymore. You don't get to talk to me like that."

"Fine. But I know you better than you think I do. I know you are a good man. I know you don't want Vanessa to think badly of you. Until you make it right I will not look at you."

"Fine. Just go tell Gusto I'm hungry." She leaves the room and forces me to think of what the hell Vanessa must think of me. I don't need to even be questioning what she may think of me. I think to hard on myself enough as it is. I'm the same sick man I've always been. I get off on forcing my sex on people. I get off on punishing woman while fucking them. I have no emotional attachment. I'm obviously a sick animal.

Cecil announces Mitch's name and I head down the stairs to meet him. "Hey you're all dressed up." Shit we had plans.

"I've brought some ladies too."

"I'm not dressed appropriately." I go back up and get dressed. I had forgotten about it honestly. With all the shit going on with my business and Vanessa. I never even invited her to it. Which is for the best, she and I are nothing but former fuck buddies. What a lie.

Mitch shrugs, "Are we going, we can't be late?"

"Mitch just a second."

"Why should me and my beautiful friends be waiting?"

"I've got the best bottle of ..."

"You my man are worth the wait."

Marisa still upset holds her bag close to her as she passes us. She makes her way to her car still not a word said. The woman is over dramatic I roll my eyes as Mitch comes to my side. He shakes his head and hands me one of his beautiful girls. The tall blonde takes her hand wrapping herself around my arm. I could already tell this wasn't going to be one of the best guy evenings.

We are seated waiting to watch the performances. A glass of champagne in hands of the ladies and a glass of scotch in my own. I look around at the audience only to pinpoint the few people I see. A man dressed in all white. A rather attractive woman dressed in her red matching the color of her hair as it waves down her shoulder. She is beautiful, if she wasn't all over that man I would attempt to make her my newest toy. Then I see Vanessa looking exquisite across the room. She is dressed in lavender. Her curly hair up in the front and the rest sprawled across her shoulders. For a second I thought it may have been my imagination. It isn't; its my Vanessa and she's laughing lightly as she places her hand on the shoulder of a man.

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