Part 1: Chapter 3: Hogwarts Express

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Harry's POV

I walked along the platform pushing a trolley stacked with a large truck with my things and Hedwig's cage on top. People bustled past me sparing strange looks on their faces as if I we're crazy. I suddenly felt self conscious standing in front of the platforms 9 and 10. I had no idea of what to do. There was a conductor standing by the train.

"Excuse me, sir. You don't happen to know where platform nine and three quarters is would you???" I asked him as politely as possible only to be ignored. Just as I were walking away, a bunch of strangely dressed people walked past me, pushing similar trunks along. The mother walked briskly ahead with an arm around her daughter. Following close behind was one of her sons who walked around with his nose in the air as if he was in charge of everyone. Behind that one was identical twins boys who were a few years older than me. Behind them, was a shorter boy with the older black robes that looked similar to my own. He was around my age. I slowly looked at them and approached the strange family.

"Excuse me?" It took me a while to get the mother's attention. When she did give me her attention she looked flustered, "Yes dear?". I mumbled something about getting onto platform nine and three quarters because the more I said it, the more absurd it sounded. The mother directed her three elder sons to the barrier and they ran into it disappearing into thin air. "Alright, dearie, your turn. Just head straight for that barrier." I looked at it and began to feel nervous, what if it doesnt let me, what if I crash. The train of thought kept going but was interrupted by the mother. "Do a run up if you're nervous," it was as if she could read my mind. "Goodluck," encouraged the daughter. I looked at the barrier again and charged into it.

Instead of crashing into the barrier I was transported onto another platform. This one was bustling with more strange people, mainly families and their children who also seemed to be going to Hogwarts as well. Most children had cages with different types of owls in them and trunks like I did. It was an amazing sight. I got up on the train and looked for a place sit. I did not know anyone. I kept looking in  the carriages to see if I could sit any where. I saw the girl from the wand shop but she was already sitting next to a blonde haired boy and a couple of other boys, so I decided it was best to sit somewhere else. Finally I found the boy from before with the family, alone in a carriage. "Is it alright if I sit here?" I asked and he said it was okay. "I'm Ron Weasley."

"I'm Harry, Harry Potter." Ron's eyes widened until they almost popped out of his skull. "Really!!! You're so famous, everyone knows about you!!! Is it true? Do you have the uh.." He pointed to his forehead. Understanding what he meant I lifted up my hair revealing the scar that was left there. Minutes later we became the best of friends.

A trolley rattled down the isle, "Anything from the trolley?" A voice rang all through the train. When the lady passed our carriage she asked, "Anything from the trolley, dears?" Ron looked disappointed, "No thanks, Im all set." he said holding up a bag of unappetising food, I had no idea what it was. I immediately took out my pile of Galleons, "We'll take the lot!"

While we talked, we snacked on the food. I found out about Bertie Botts Every Flavour Beans, Chocolate Frogs. He even showed me the collectable cards. Its strange how pictures of wizards and witches can come and go as they like. Ron was also about to show me a supposed spell that his brothers gave him to turn his rat, Scabbers, yellow. Ron cleared his throat and began but a girl walked to our carriage. "Have you seen a toad? A boy named Neville's lost one." She saw Ron with his wand out, "Oh! You're doing magic! Let's see then." Ron cleared his throat again and recited, "Sunshine, daisies, buttermellow. Turn this stupid fat rat yellow." and a flash emanated from his wand but nothing happened to the rat. The girl immediately sat down next to me, "It's not a very good spell is it. Of course i've only learnt the basic spells." she pointed her wand to my face and said, "Occulus Reparo" and my old glasses with the broken frames immediately fixed itself back. I looked at my glasses in amazement.

"Holy cricket," she started, "You're Harry Potter! I'm Hermione Granger, and you are?" giving a  look at Ron. To which he replied with a full mouth, "I'm Ron, Ron Weasley."

"Pleasure," She told us to get changed into our robes and walked off, but stopped and said to Ron, "You've got dirt on your nose, did you know that? Just there," pointing to her nose.

Lily's POV

I sat in the compartment with Draco and a few of his friends, Crabbe and Goyle. They were family friends as their families were also devout pure-bloods. The three boys would talk about how there would be so many half bloods and Mudbloods and about the latest models of brooms. I just sat at the window and watched the landscapes rush past.

I had already changed into my robes and was concerned about which house I would be in. I was particularly resenting the fact that I might be put into Slytherin, so I hoped that I could be put into any of the other houses especially Gryffindor.

My thoughts somehow wandered to the boy in the wand shop, Harry Potter, the Boy Who Lived. He would most likely be put into either Slytherin or Gryffindor right? Draco, Crabbe and Goyle, would definitely be in Slytherin. But where would I belong?

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