The park!!! and then the runaway!

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Hey guyyys just so you know I am not making these places up. It is areal place in Old Orchard Beach Maine. All of the places I have said so far are real. I know that cause go to OOB every year. so yaaaaa! Hope you enjoy this part. Stuff will be heatin up.

We pulled up and I was so excited they took us to..... PALACE PLAYLAND, the best part of this night is that they have the firework display!!!!!!!!!!! Me and Liz and Caitlyn have been going there since we were little girls. It is an amusement park in down-town Maine, one side is mostly ALL rides with scattered games,and the other side is mostly games with scattered rides.. Right when we parked i got out and ran over to Hayes, I grabbed his arm ad dragged him over to the sign and took a picture with him it came out good so I saved it before I put the ;) face over him so he wouldn't get any hate. We split up into groups our 6 was Me and Hayes, Liz and Aaron, and Matt and Caitlyn. Since the three of us girls had been coming here for...forever. So the first ride the guys let us pick so we picked our all time favorite the swings. We went to the seats we have always sat in Liz went to 9 and I went to 7 and Caitlyn went to 5 the boys took 10, 8,6. The ride started and it was , HILARIOUS!! Because Matt had no clue that the swings rose and spun you around, so as they are going up Matt is screaming OH GOD I DID NOT SIGN UP FOR THIS......AAAAAHHHHHHH!! The three of us girls just laugh and did what we always did on this we closed our eyes, put our heads back,and arms out and pretended we were flying. I looked out to see all the park lights turn on, then looked over at Hayes and he was just looking at me and smiling. Oh that boy.

Hayes POV:

WOW..... Im just kind of admiring her,shes just... BEAUTIFUL! I know I just met her but I think I might be slightly falling for her! DAMN..... How can this be happening!

Emmas POv:

The ride ended and we let the boys pick the next ride. And OF COURSE they pick the one I am totally TERRIFIED of Adrenalin,it sits you in a seat and it swings you and it keeps farther up until your at the tippity top! The girls looked at me knowing that I was terrified I shook my head ya, and jumped on Hayes back because I wasn't sure if I could walk myself near it! We got in line with the other guys, we got in and I sat in between Hayes and Jack Gilinsky. I said to them so only they could hear E: Would you please scream as loud as you can with me IM WICKED Scared!!!!--------H+J: Ya sure,of course don't be embarrassed. Matt will probably scream too.------E: Okay thanks guys you rock!!-------- H: Hey do ya wanna hold ma hand!--------E: Yes please I am REALLY NERVOUS!!!-----

He stook out his hand and I latched onto it immediately because of the nervous adrenalin running through my veins! The ride started up and we started going up higher by each swing. We finally got to the point where when we went up and then dropped down I had tickles in my belly and I SCREECHED AS LOUD AS U COULD. Along with every other person, Hayes could feel my grip tighten up around his hand so he held my hand closer to him. The ride finally ended and I don't think I had ever been happier in my entire life!! We got off the ride and we all started walking then all of a sudden I heard faint whispering and giggles? It took me a second to realize what they were talking about and then I realized that me and Hayes were still holding hands!🤗🤗
E: ummmmmmm Hayes! H: ummmm yesssss?! E: do you realize that we are still holding hands?? H: well I didn't until just now.... But I really don't care! E: me either,.... Let's go!
So just to emphasize that we were holding hands "this kid" started to swing our arms back and forth. All o the guys burst out in wooooohs and get it Hayes!!!! He turned around and made some face at the boys i think it was a wink because Nash yelled YOUNG MAN YOU'RE ONLY 15!!We laughed and kept walking. We got like 30 feet away when the boys ran up and grabbed Hayes, threw him over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes and ran away. The girls came up to me and said Well,well,well.  What is going on between you two?!! Nothing is really.  Well okay me and Caitlyn want fried dough so let's go. We all laughed at Karlie and went to go get fried dough and a drink.

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