Chapter 1- It's Elementary

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The first day of high school is a day that every person remembers. Good or bad, it is etched into your memory forever and ever. So you may be asking.
Oh, Matt! How can I make sure that my first day of high school is a good experience?
Well I would be the wrong person to ask. My first day was literally atrocious. I was still coming to terms with my sexuality, and my parents didn't exactly like my taste. I hadn't come out to them, but they had to have known. I had an obvious lisp and I was more feminine than my mom. If they didn't already know, they had not been very attentive parents.

But before I go into my high school experience, let's have a #throwbackthursday.

I remember my first crush. I was in second grade. There was this one fourth grader who literally slayed my life. His name was Nyle. He was the hall monitor in our hall, and a great safety patrol. Every time my class walked to lunch, there he was, his baby blue eyes staring us down. I just knew that he always had a special thing for me. The way he checked me out all the time. The way he grabbed my shoulder and told me in his angelic voice to
"Stop running in the halls, please."
The way he brushed his luscious platinum blonde bangs out of those hypnotizing eyes...

On one day in particular, I spotted Nyle at recess. He was swinging across the jungle gym, his shirt lifted above his stomach. I realized that I wanted this to be the day that he noticed me. I wanted this to be the day that he looked into my longing brown eyes and say, "Hey, cutie." Then he would saunter over to me and bend down to my level. He would run his fingers through my dirty blonde hair and lean in and slowly caress my blushing cheek. His face would turn red and he would take a deep breath and gently place his lips on mine.
Then he'd take my hands and kiss them...and he'd tell me that he was in love with me but our love was forbidden...and he'd get emotional and I'd tell him that everything would be okay and then we'd live happily after after, forever and ever and ever.

But alas, when I attempted to get his attention, something a little different happened.

I ran up to the fourth and fifth grade jungle gym (that the younger kids weren't allowed on because it was a few feet higher) after my muse had made it across, and tried to mimic his movements. Nyle turned to me and smiled. It was working!
I made it to about the third bar before my arms got tired. I struggled to reach the fourth, and I felt my fingers start to slip while I started to regret my decision.

My life was coming to an end. As my teeny tiny fingers held on for dear life, I started to well up. I was going to fall in front of Nyle and he would never love me and on top of all of that, I was going to break my arms and legs.
Just when I was seeing my life flash before my crying eyes, my best friend Aniyesha ran over with our teacher, Mrs. Henderson. Nyle's sexy safety patrol instincts kicked in and he ran over with a concerned look on his face.
"We're going to get you down from there, Matt!" Mrs. Henderson yelled.
Nyle climbed up the ladder and swung over to me. With one hand gripped around the second rung, he held his other hand out to me.
Now, not only fear was locking my muscles in place, but the lovesickness, the butterflies.

"I...I can't let go!" I said through tears.

"It's okay. I won't let you fall." Nyle soothed me in a calm, warm voice.

I let my right hand slip off of the bar and I held it behind me for Nyle to grab hold of. He did, and my left hand started to cramp up.

"You can let go now, Matt."

He...he said my name! I thought.

I glanced down at Aniyesha. She knew about my obsession for the fourth grader, and she smiled at me.

So I followed my savior's instructions and my fingers slipped off of the bar. Nyle's strong arms held me over the ground and he pulled me up.

I decided that this incident was not going to make my seduction attempt fail. I was quick on my feet and ran over to Nyle as he walked away and everybody went back to their own business.

"My hero!" I exclaimed, and wrapped my arms around him. I felt my cheeks burn and as I looked up, Nyle's face was red, too. He looked around, and reluctantly hugged me back.

"Thank you." I said with a smile.

"You're welcome." He said, and his hug became a little more sincere.

And every day since then, when I walked past my Nyle in the halls, he grinned at me. And he said, "Hey, Matt. How's your day?"
I'd bat my eyelashes and say, "Great, yours?"
And we'd make small talk until we'd have to go to class.

After a while, I thought that he had put me in the friend zone until one day he was a little late coming into the hall. I waited for him. He eventually shuffled in and my heart cracked to see tears streaming down his cheeks.

"Nyle, what's the matter?" I asked, dashing over to him and opening my arms for a hug.

He accepted my hug and before I knew it, he was sobbing into my chest. The butterflies were there but I also felt very sad for him.

He finally pulled himself together and explained his troubles to me as he dried his tears.

" mother didn't come home last night...and..." Nyle started in between sobs. "Well, she was off with another man, and she got drunk, and then she got in a car accident, and..."

Nyle burst into tears again. Even as a second grader, I knew what all of these things were. Aniyesha explained them all to me, since her family went through a lot of crap too.

I said the only words that I could think of, and the only words that he needed to hear.

"It's going to be alright, Nyle."

Tears formed in my own eyes as Nyle looked up at me and smiled.

"Thank you." Nyle said and blushed profusely.

I grinned. "You're welcome."

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