Chapter 2- Halfway There

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After Elementary school came middle school, and even though Nyle went there before I did, I still saw him.

I was literally devastated when Nyle left my school. By that time, him, me, and Aniyesha were the three musketeers.

Since he was two years above us, when we got into middle school, we would see him once more. Aniyesha was afraid that he would have forgotten all about us by the time we graduated elementary, but fortunately, that didn't happen.

Sixth grade was a pretty easy year. At least for Yesha and I. We were shocked to see that when we saw Nyle for the first time, he was in seventh grade. But he was two years ahead! How?

The positive of this was that we had another year to hang with him. But the negative was that ever since he lost his mother, his father was holding him to impossible standards. This stress caused poor Nyle to fail sixth grade, the easiest grade in middle school.

I still had major thirst for Nyle, and now that I was older, it was becoming more intense. I've had many a sexual fantasy about him, while in bed, in class, in a car. Everywhere, basically. A day had not gone by where I wasn't dreaming of his touch.

I sat in math class and stared out the window. I had a window seat near the back of the classroom and it had the most gorgeous view of a fountain and lake.
I imagined Nyle and I holding hands by the water, and we sat on a picnic blanket, staring into the serene lake. I threw bread at the ducks and we laughed as they squabbled over to eat it. Then Nyle would look at me once more and blush. Then his hand would touch my thigh and slide up to my private. His fingers would gently undo my jeans button and zipper, and he'd reach into my boxers and--

"--Mr. Sarafa." I heard a deep husky voice say.

"Y-yes, Mr. Lyons?" I stuttered, upset that my teacher had taken me back to reality, and also afraid because he was the scariest teacher in the school.

"Can you tell me the answer to number eight?" He challenged, and I glanced down at my homework from the night before.

"Um...w-well I got A." I said, knowing that this was incorrect. I had struggled on this one.

"Did anybody else get A?" Mr.
Lyons asked the class. Not a single hand raised.

I felt my cheeks burn as snickers echoed through the awkward silence. I was never good at math. I had no clue how I ended up in an honors class.

"What an imbecile." Aaron Asley teased, causing the other students to look at me and laugh out loud.

Big-shot (or big-shit, as I'd say) Aaron was the smartest kid in the school. His grades surpassed even those of the eighth graders. But there's one thing that I can't hate him for.

He was also gay.

Though I knew I wasn't an "imbecile" (which I didn't know what that even meant until Yesha whispered it to me from behind), I still felt embarrassed. I blinked back tears and stared back down at my worksheet to hide my eyes.

Yesha, however, could see. She wouldn't have even had to look at me. She could be halfway across the world, and she'd still know at this moment that "Matt was about to cry". It's called the Best Friend Sensor.

I felt a warm hand rest on my shoulder. It was Yesha. Her kind touch brought more tears to my eyes. She was the only person I knew that would have ever done that.

Mr. Lyons had continued reviewing, but as he looked at me again, he paused in the middle of his sentence. People followed his eyes and yet again, I was being stared down.

"See me after class, Matt."

There were several things wrong with this sentence.

1. He only ever called me Matthew or Mr. Sarafa. This was new.

2. I had never been asked to see any teacher after class, so I was petrified.

3. Even through the very prominent "OOOOOHs" being shouted by my peers, I could tell that I wasn't going to get a chastisement. I hadn't done anything wrong that time. Nobody had cared enough to see that I was on the verge of tears and it was obvious that this meeting would entail something much different. So there's no real reason to be afraid, is there?

I dried my eyes and actually decided to focus. I didn't want to give Aaron another reason to accuse me of being stupid. He was going to be the one to be stupid. I can get straight A's too. I can be a top student, too. I can be better than everybody else, too.

So my fountain fantasy would have to wait a while.
It was the last period of the day, Language Arts. This was Yesha and I's favorite subject. Writing allowed us to express ourselves in ways that just speaking can't.
It was Free Writing period. That was when you write whatever the heck you want, and it takes place at the end of the class. But it gets better.

You don't have to turn it in.

Which means instead of simply imagining my Fountian Fantasy, I could write it down in case I forgot (highly unlikely). I could add more detail. And nobody could see it except Yesha.
I titled it Fountain Fantasy, obviously, and got to work. Yesha glanced over at the page a couple of times and I shifted the paper so she could read as I continued to write. She would giggle a couple of times. I had included some sexual things obviously. This was NYLE we were talking about.
Suddenly, within twenty minutes, I had gotten to the end of my fantasy. I re-read it carefully, nitpicking it. I was satisfied.
I finished reading the very last word and the bell rang, sending everybody in the class flying out of the room.

And in walked Nyle.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12, 2016 ⏰

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