Chapter 6: Relationships?

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Zayn's POV

It's December 22nd and Christmas is almost here! Ariella, the boys, and I just got back from the mall and finished our holiday shopping. It's my first Christmas with Ariella and I couldn't be more excited, everything must be perfect!

All the sudden I heard a shriek from upstairs I ran as fast as I could to the supply room grabbing a random vase from the hallway. I got in and held it over my head.

"What's wrong? What happened?"

"It's a travesty daddy, were out of wrapping paper!" She screams.

I sigh in relief "I though you were hurt, don't worry why don't you and a couple of the boys go get some!"

"Ok bye daddy!" She says as she hugs me and kisses my cheek.

I kiss her head and send her in her, I put the vase back and went downstairs to find Liam watching TV. I guess everyone else left.

"What are we watching?" I asked casually as I sat next to Liam.

"The Blind Side" he said.

"I love this movie!" I said excitedly

He chuckled and we watched the movie, and hour later I looked outside and saw that it was snowing, hard.

I suddenly got a call from Louis.

"Hey mate what's up? Is Ariella okay?" I asked.

"Everyone fine, it's just that the snow is coming down way to hard to come home so we're going to grab a hotel tonight!" He explained.

"Oh can I talk to Ariella?"

"Sure! Here she is"

"Hi daddy!" Ariella said.

"Hi baby girl, I just wanted to say goodnight since I won't see you, be good and try to get some rest tonight and keep an eye on Louis, I love you!"

"Don't worry daddy, I will watch them and I love you too" she giggled and then hung up.

"Well that was Louis, the snow is too much to come home so they're grabbing a hotel, I guess it's just you and me!" I smiled

He nodded and smiled back. Damn he's beautiful, WAIT! Zayn what are you thinking? You're straight, if Liam ever found out about this he'd be so weirded out! Get yourself together!

"You alright mate?" Liam asked

"Yea, let's just watch a movie!"

Liam turned on the polar express and I smiled so big, this is my favorite Christmas movie ever! It got to the hot chocolate song and I started singing along, this is my favorite part. I saw Liam smiling at me and I couldn't help but think about how hot his smile is but I brushed it off.

   As the movie went on me and Liam kept moving closer and closer and by the end my head was on his chest and I was almost sitting on his lap.

"That's a great movie," Liam said.

"I know right!" I smiled.

I had just realized how close mine and Liam's faces were, I could feel his hot breath on my face and suddenly his lips touched mine. I kissed back without even thinking and we continued until we both pulled away Liam resting his forehead onto mine.

"That...was amazing" he said.

"I know" I said in agreement.

"I really like you Z" he said looking me in the eyes.

"I really like you too Li" I replied.

"Well, will go out with me?" He asked.

"What will everyone else say?"

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