Brotherhood:At Test Of Fatih

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It felt like he was being torn apart, little by little. Being yanked in different directions until he would finally just fall apart. It felt a bit more mental than physical, but even so, his body was in just as much pain.

He suddenly felt a strong, firm energy grasp him through the Force, trying to hold him together. Keep him from shattering. It was a familiar presence, though he couldn't quite place the identity in his memory. He felt so confused, and very cold.

The warm presence was accompanied by the physical feeling of a gentle hand running a cool, wet cloth over his face and forehead. That got him frustrated. He was already freezing - whoever this person was, he was just making him colder than he already was. Feeling extremely weak, he raised his right hand and tried batting the unknown person away.

"No, Anakin." The voice wasn't angry; just very soothing and so familiar. "We need to keep your fever down."

"Fever? Wha-" His own voice sounded cracked and hoarse, but he couldn't just lie in confusion anymore. He forced his eyes open, only to discover his vision was just a jumble of blurred shapes and colors. "Where...what happened? Who...who..." Blast. He couldn't even speak one sentence without his energy being sapped.

He felt the comforting hand again, this time brushing his tangled brown hair out of his line of view - as if that would help restore his sight. "Anakin, it's me. It's Obi-Wan. You're sick."

Obi-Wan. Sick. Fever. Except for his Master, he didn't remember the rest. "Master?"

"I'm right here, Anakin. You're going to be fine."

"Wha...what happened..."

The cloth came again, brushing his bare skin with what felt like ice cold water, but this time Anakin let him. If it was Obi-Wan, he knew he could trust him with whatever was the matter with him. "You were trying to repair the communications last night," Obi-Wan explained, his tone soft and low - which was a relief, because he was now aware of a massive migraine pulsing in the back of his head. "You had collapsed in the cockpit when I found you, so I had the med-scanner look at you. You have some kind of blood poisoning or something, Anakin. I have to get you back to Coruscant."

Anakin's mind, despite being a muddled mess, managed to hear the increasing worry in the older man's tone, as well as his own summary of the situation. Blood poisoning sounded serious, and of course, the Council had sent him and his former-Master-now-partner on their mission in the smallest ship he had ever seen. No doubt there was the minimum of medical supplies aboard, if any.

Obi-Wan felt the other Jedi's fear and confusion, and tried sending him a gentle sleep suggestion. "Don't worry, Anakin. You're going to be fine. Once we get you to Coruscant, the Healers will take care of you." He tried keeping his voice steady and confident.

He watched Anakin nod weakly, and then his glassy eyes slid shut, and the boy was asleep moments later.

Obi-Wan continued wiping Anakin's face, neck, and forehead with the small cloth and water he had found in the back of the ship. Once he was sure Anakin was asleep and unable to sense his emotions, Obi-Wan released his frantic anxiety into the Force, relieving himself of the apprehension and distress - at least for the moment. Obi-Wan had used the quickest, easiest way to describe Anakin's condition to him.

When they had been on Libreth, scouting the area for Separatists droids, they had stumbled upon a native village. The villagers had attacked, and with hundreds in numbers, the two Jedi had been forced to retreat back to their ship and go off-world. Anakin must've been hit by one of the toxic darts that had been shot at them - Obi-Wan had found it lodged in the younger man's shoulder blade after Anakin had passed out. It had been so tiny and inconspicuous, Obi-Wan doubted Anakin had even known he had been hit.

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