Work Trip

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Suzy's POV

I heard footsteps walking towards me. And I finally stood to stretch. Sehun took forever to get ready. And I always thought that I would take longer. But he's the only person I know that has me beat.

"Ready to go?" Sehun asked. And I nodded while scanning his appearance.

He had on a gray tuxedo. And combed his hair into a nice and professional style. Everything seemed normal for his work attire until I looked at his face. Today he had on nerd glasses. And all it did was make him hotter.

"Suzy?" Sehun said snapping me from my thoughts.

"Huh?" I said blinking my eyes. And Sehun looked at me for a minute before he chuckled.

"Nothing. Lets go. I'm already late" Sehun said walking over to me and grabbing my hand.

We walked to the car in a hurry. Before we got settled and pulled off. The car was in a comfortable silence. While I was thinking about all my memories.

My brain couldn't help but go back and think about the ice cream parlor. And Sehun and Yeols conversation. I wonder what their hiding from me.

"Oh Suzy I forgot to tell you something" Sehun said. And my heart stopped. Could this be what I was trying to find out?

"What is it?"

"After I dropped you off yesterday. I got a phone call from Doctor Woo. And he called to check on us."

..........Thats It?

"Well that's nice off him." I said while smushing my lips into a thin line.

"Yeah I thought so too. But he called me on my cell phone. And I don't remember giving him my new number" Sehun said. And I frowned.

"That's strange. Are you sure you didn't give it to him?" I asked and Sehun nodded.

"I went and changed my number at least a week ago. Because it was the same day I ordered your phone" Sehun said and my frowning became deeper.

"Thats weird." I said.

"Ne. I think somethings up with him and Nurse Kim. Thats the only reason why I haven't been back for checkups."

"I know. Nurse Kim is eerie to. I think she's a mind reader" I said remembering the ice cream incident.

"A what?" Sehun asked laughing.

"I'm serious Sehun. I think she's a mind reader. How else would she have known that I wanted ice cream. If I never mentioned it?" I asked.

"I guess you have a point there. How about we just agree to ignore them. Even if they call. And never go back for checkups. Deal?" Sehun said.


Shortly after that. Sehun pulled up to this humongous building. With a thousand windows in it. And nothing but expensive cars and people around.

"Wow. This place is daebak. I can't believe you really work here" I said looking out at the building in astonishment.

"Well believe it. How else do you think I get my money. From being this handsome?" Sehun said.

"What handsome?" I said and Sehun glared at me.

"Whatever. Lets just go inside" Sehun said while getting out of the car. And I laughed.

As we were walking in. I realized that what I had on. Was no where near appropriate for this establishment. I stuck out like a soar thumb for sure.

"Sehun why didn't you tell me to change?" I asked.

I had on blue jeans with a loose white top and white sneakers. I didn't have a lot of makeup on. And not to mention that my hair was a complete mess.

"Whats wrong with what you have on? I think you look good" Sehun said contrasting my beliefs.

"Sehun I look like a homeless person that you took pity on" I said while trying to hide myself within my burgendy p coat.

"Will you stop. You look beautiful." Sehun said while turning to me.

"Oh your just saying that due to our circumstances" I said while crossing my arms across my chest.

"No Suzy I mean it. Now stop acting like this before I kiss you. Arraso?" Sehun said.

What kind of threat is that?

I didn't say anything as I was still looking at the gorgeous people around me.

"Don't beileve me?" Sehun said before he grabbed my face. And pulled it closer to his. But right before his lips could touch mine. I stopped him.

"Okay okay. I get it. I'll stop" I said but Sehun still kissed me anyway. And my eyes grew wide with surprise.

"Yah what was that?" I asked.

"Its because you were resistant at first. Now are we ready to go in? Or do I have to stand here and make out with you" Sehun said and I frowned.

"We can go in now" I mumbled before walking ahead of him into the building.

I stopped once I walked through the double doors. And everyone that was walking around frantically. Stopped once they saw Sehun walk in. And bowed 90 degrees.

Sehun acted like it was normal and pulled me with him to the elevator.

I watched on in amazement. As we walked through he building. Everyone and I mean everyone gave Sehun the upmost respect. Even with half of the people working here being older than him.

He walked to this door and it opened up to this huge purple room. And it had only a few people in it.

"What is this room for?" I asked.

"Important people like myself" Sehun said shortly before walking in.

"Sehun your finally here!" Suho said while walking towards us.


"Hello Suzy. How are you?" Suho asked looking at me.

"Fine thank you" I said shyly.

"Thats good. Sehun I need you to come look at this real quick" Suho said as we walked towards this touch screen. Thats was surrounded by Garland decoration.

The screen displayed a whole bunch of numbers and math equations that I was not familiar with. So I decided to ditch them.

"Sehun I'll be right back. I have to use the bathroom" I said.

"Okay. Do you know where it is? Do I need to walk with you?" Sehun asked.

"Ani. I know where it is" I said lying. Before leaving them to walk around the the building recklessly.

I was walking through the main hallway downstairs comfortably.
Until I felt someone bump into me. With multiple papers falling on the floor.

"I'm so so- Suzy!" Luhan said once he recognized me.

"Lu! I didn't expect to see you here so soon" I said excitedly. I haven't talked to Luhan since the hospital. And I lost his phone number by accident. So I had no way of getting in contact with him.

"Yeah I was just about to go on lunch break. Did you want to join me?" Luhan asked with hopeful eyes.

Sehun shouldnt miss me so why not.

"Sure" I said while we started to walk away. Before I remembered something.

"Luhan the papers!" I said stopping.

"Oh yeah, right!"

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