*** Chapter 20! ***

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Hey guys, girls! :D

OMFG... CHAPTER 20!!!! OMG!! Yay! This is my longest book so far, and my most popular. :) Yip yip hurray! :D

Lol. I lovee writing this book for you guys, and I hope you enjoy reading it. Plus it means a lot to me, every time I come on wattpad, there are more and more reads to this book. ;'D Thanks so much. Means the world. Never thought I would end up being a writer! :D But, dreams end up getting messed up, like I wanna be a actress or a singer... but I might end up a writer! I've always been told I couldn't write by my teachers n shit. So. Yah. Never thought I could. :) So thanks for making me realize that.

Okay, okay. enought of my babbling. AGAIN. lol. BUT FIRST...

Pic to the right, is ..... JAMES! :D HAHAHA, you thought I was gonna put up Jo or something didn't you? HAHA you're nasty. lol I got that from a vid. lol. Oh, yeah. it will be James and all his sexyness! Is that even a word? xD Or did I spell it wrong.. er what?! xDD Its the same pic as my profile pic. :) <3

Oh, this song for this chap. will be... "Bitch Came Back" By: Theory of a Dead Man.

Why? You'll see... by the end of this chapter. Trust me.

Now that I've told you the song.. and pic.. and shit.. I will quick talking about myself and get to the story.. :D

Enjoy. :)


I finally finished my breakfast, after I heard Claire get out of the shower. I quickly threw my plate in the sink and ran to the bed room. I really did need to find a shirt to wear today. Even though I wasn't going to where it most of the time. C'mon. Its the beach. Guys usually don't wear shirts there!

I walked in, and realized James hasn't brought ANY of my clothes over. The only one I had was from yesterday. UGH. He seriously need to get his ass over here so I can get ready too. I threw myself at the bed and landed face down. I was so tired. My body was aching from recent events. UGH.

"What are you doing in here, Kendall?"

I lifted my head up, and turned it so I could see her face. "I was looking for a shirt, but then I realized James still hadden't brought me my clothes yet."

"Oh." She said. I saw a slow blush forming on her cheeks.

"Why are you blushing?" I said getting up off the bed.

"Well, you're shirtless.. which is hot. And I'm in a towel."

I'm Pregnant, and Kendall Schmidt's the Father?!Where stories live. Discover now