Chapter 14

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So far things have been going well. Charm stopped having her nightmares, and her and Jason became even closer then ever. Everyday they would either work on new toys together, or go to Charm's secret rose field and cuddle up together. Everyone knew of their new relationship, so it wasn't surprising if they both go missing. Charm started to learn how to except things the way they were, but at times she was a bit distant. She did like her knew life, and she loved being with Jason, but it always felt like something knew was popping up. She hardly said anything because she hated to worry everybody especially Jason, but there were still many things on her mind. Jason knew Charm still hasn't told him everything that was bugging her, he knew how she was, but he thought it was best to just wait, until she was ready to tell him.

As time past it came to the mouth of February, and Charm started to act more distant then ever. She hardly talked, she spent more time in her room, and when she was with Jason, she could hardly focus on what they were talking about. Jason continuously asked Charm why she was acting so strange but she would always dodge the question. Jason hated not knowing how to help Charm, but he continued to stay patient. 

One day on February 12, Jason and Charm decided to go out into the rose field so they can have some time alone. The layed on the ground next to each other and looked up at the sky. Charm was quiet for most of the time so Jason decided to speak up. "Charm"? "Huh? Oh, yes Jason"? "Are you feeling okay"? "Of course. I'm fine, why would you ask a silly question"? "Well......, you've been really quiet lately". "I just have a few things on my mind darling, no need to worry". "Come on Charm you know you can always talk to me". "That's sweet Jason, but nothings wrong. I can assure you I'm fine". "If you say so". Charm got a little closer to Jason and layed on his chest. Jason smiled a bit, and started to play with her hair. Things went quiet again as the two lovers cuddled. After a while, Jason looked down, and noticed Charm had fallen asleep. He chuckled and carefully moved her off him. He got up from the ground and took her in his arms. "Sleep well my little rose". Jason whispered, and started to walk back home. 

Once they got back Jason thought he'd work on some of his toys, but he wanted Charm to stay with him, so he decided to just place on the couch he had in his room. As intended, Jason placed Charm on the couch, and put a small blanket over her. He kissed her head softly and went over to his work area. He started to sew up the mouth on the doll when he heard Liquorice squeak. He turned around and saw him moving around the couch Charm was sleeping on. He let out a squeak and turned to Jason. "No she's fine, she's just resting". Liquorice moved over to Jason and squeaked again. "I'm sure she'd fine, she probably just still getting over things from her past". Jason place Liquorice on the desk and he squeaked again. "No. I said I'll wait until she's ready to talk". Liquorice just squeaked again and moved around the desk. "She'll open up to me soon, I'm sure of it". Jason looked over at Charm and smiled at how cute she looked, but his smile went away as he began to think.

 'What is she hiding? And why dose she feel like she needs to hide it from me'?

 Jason kept looking at Charm as she slept peacefully on the couch. He sighed and went back to work on his doll. 'I have to know what's wrong'. After about an hour Charm slowly started to wake up. She left out a soft yawn and opened her eyes, to see Jason at his desk. "Jason......". He turned around and quickly smiled to see Charm awake. "Did you have a nice nap my little rose"? "Yeah.....I feel a bit better now". Charm got up from the couch and made her way over to Jason. "So what are you working on now my little toymaker"? "Just some stuffed animals". "Can I help"? "Of course". Charm pulled up a chair and started to work on a stuffed animal herself. As she worked, Jason would watch her with a worried look in his eye. 'Might as well try again'.

 "Charm"? "Yes"? ".........Are you sure everything is okay"? "Jason I told you, there's nothing to worry about". "You say that, but some of the thing you've been doing worry me". "What do you mean"? "Well you haven't been talking to anyone lately, your usually by yourself, and you even started to avoid me a bit". Charm went silent, know that Jason was right. "Charm". Jason placed his finger on her chin and made her look at him. " You love me right"? "Of course I love you Jason". "Then tell me what's bugging you, you know I hate seeing you like this". Charm looked over at the side for a moment and let out a sigh. "Alright, but just know it's nothing bad, I just...........don't want to make a big deal out of it". "It doesn't mater, just as long as you tell me". "Okay.......Jason? "Yes"? "Do you know what the day after tomorrow will be". "Uh......Valentines day right"? " will be Valentines day, but......". Charm trailed off a bit. "It will also be my Birthday".

 Jason's eyes widen a bit once Charm said that. "It will be you Birthday"? "Yeah". Charm played with her hair a bit as she looked down at the floor". "Well......that's great. It will be your Birthday on Valentines day. Why would you try to hide it"? "Well.......". Charm went quiet for a short moment before speaking again. "Well Jason, I use to be an heiress, meaning I have many responsibilities and jobs to do, so.........celebrating my birthday hardly ever happened". "What do you mean"? "Well one, my birthday is the same day lovers exchange their feelings, and show how much they love each other through many different ways, so that kinda over shadows me. And I'm always so busy during the time, so I could hardly even get a small happy birthday from even my parents".

 Charm let out a long sigh and continued to look at the floor. Jason just started at her with a sad look in his face. 'So that's why she didn't want to talk about'. "Jason, please don't tell any of the others, I don't want then to make a big deal out of this". "But why? Don't you want to celebrate your birthday"? "Well, yes I do, but with the way things have been for just learn to  not care anymore". Jason sighed and pulled Charm into his lap. "Okay my little rose, I won't tell anyone". "Thanks Jason".

 Charm smiled and kissed him. Jason just held her and let his mind wonder. 'I just don't get why she wouldn't want to celebrate something like that. I know it must have been hard in the past, but she's with us now, so she doesn't have to worry about those things'. Jason looked at Charm for a moment, until it finally hit him. 'That's it! I'll just prove it to her that she will always have others to be there for her'. "Jason"? "Hm"? "You okay darling"? "Oh I'm fine my little rose, I just thought of something good that's all". Charm gave him a weird look, but just shrugged it off and went back to working on her toy. Jason just smiled and played with her hair.

 'Don't worry my little rose, I'll show you soon'.

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