The rules

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Dr. M. got our attention by banging on the microphone and then all the side conversations ended and Sam squeezed my hand and when I turned my head he was staring at me with intense eyes when we noticed we were looking at each other we both looked straight forwarders as dr. M. began to speak . She looked at me and mouthed your dead I started to freak out but Sam pulled my face in his chest kissed my forehead and told me to listen when I looked back at dr. M. she was introducing herself she said " hi I'm dr. M. and I'm here for all of your different treatments that you will have once every two weeks for one hour and I teach health if you have further question feel free to ask after this assembly " she pointed to the first chair and said " this is Mr. borberhon he will teach you history, geography, and science " then she pointed two the sweet looking lady " this is miss sylis she will teach you music, art, drama,dance, and french " she pointed to the short mean looking teacher as he glared at her " that is mr Stubster he will teach math and English" she finally pointed to the teacher in the t-shirt as dr. M. was about to speak he grabbed the microphone and said " I'm Roberto just Roberto no last name  I teach you how to get strong so I basically teach what normal people call gym, you're uniforms should be at your bedroom doors " his voice was deep and Mexican sounding it reminded me of a little boy I must've known because we were dancing around a campfire an then I was at a grave. For the next thirty minutes they all spoke of what classes would be like and then all newbies had to partner up with someone who had been there since the beginning of the year I obviously would have partnered with Sam but when I turned he had gone to talk to the teachers so I looked around and everyone had scattered except for on boy with blonde hair and a green streak in the middle he called my name and I said " me". " yay you silly" he said and I slowly walked towards him and when I got close enough he grabbed my wrist in a sweet way dipped me and his soft lips pressed against mine with so much emotion as he kissed me I knew this was Christopher my boy friend and it all came rushing back his body heating mine cuddling in his bed when we were supposed to be studying walking to school with him no Sam in there. When he finally pulled away he said " is something wrong with you" so I told him all about what I remember but I left out Sam, Christopher looked at me and pulled me into his arms and said " you're okay I'm here now don't worry I'll never let you go okay" I nodded and looked up at the stage but Sam had disappeared. Christopher walked me around the school he held me tight and made me feel warm and tingly " babe how are you, how is you're dad, is he still fighting cancer" then it all came back to me my dad and him he left to go away to boarding school slash here my dad had cancer and died three months ago. "MELODY ......." I jerk my head up my ayes are full of tears he pulls to hi chest against his abs I feel safe be held in his arms after I finish the tour of this creepy place he offers to walk me to my room, we sit down on my bed and he stares at me his lips press again mine then he pushes me down on the bed and kisses me hard not sweet like before. Before I know it he takes of my top and then my pants he kisses me everywhere and then I start taking his shirt off, were kissing and making out in my bed, what if Sam walks in I mane he can I pull away but he pulls me right back were so into this we don't even here the knock on the door until minutes later. " melody I need to talk to you in 5 minutes at the banker hall " it's Sam omg " babe who was that, are you gonna go, should I come, maybe we should get dressed, I thin..." I cut him off " he's a friend and I am going and thanks for the ofer but I think I'll go alone and yes I am getting dressed" we both get up and put our clothes on then I leave to go to the banker hall.

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2016 ⏰

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