Chapter 3

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A/N: In this chapter and in some of the upcoming chapters there will be a lot of reference to the novel 'The Catcher in the Rye' by JD Salinger, because Mackenzie's English class will be doing a report that ties back to that novel. This in no way means that if you haven't read the novel, you won't understand what is going on in this story, but if you have read the novel, look out for references and connections. Enjoy!


Mackenzie's first morning at Panorama high school had been well enough. After art with Lexi, she had math with Olivia, a free period with Theo and Lexi, and history with Shay and (ugh) Caden. She still couldn't understand why the rest of the group was friends with him. Maybe it was because he was hot, or maybe the girls were forced to hang out with him because he was best friends with Theo. Mackenzie didn't know. All she knew was there was something about that him that got under her skin.

After history, she ate lunch with her new friends in the cafeteria. They asked her how she was liking the school so far, and she told them that it was great, just to be polite. It wasn't like it was horrible, but it certainly wasn't great. Then, she texted her mom to tell her that her day was going fine, to which her mom replied "See? I told you! New chapter!" To which she rolled her eyes at the huge mom cliche.

"So Mack," Shay started.

It seemed like they had all taken to calling her Mack.

"Seen any guys you think are cute?"

Mackenzie opened her mouth to say that she wasn't really into dating, but before she could, Caden cut in.

"Why do you even bother asking Shay? Obviously she's going to say me."

Mackenzie clenched her teeth.

"Actually," she retorted. "That isn't what I was going say at all. You're not as hot as you think you are. I've met twenty guys this morning who I think are cuter than you."

That was a lie, but the look of shock on Caden's face made it completely worth it.

"But yeah I'm not really into dating."

"Oh that's a shame." Olivia said.

But it wasn't a shame in Mackenzie's mind. Most high school relationships lasted a few months at best, and most high schoolers were too immature to have an even remotely interesting conversation with. But she just shrugged her shoulders.

"Fifth period starts soon." Theo said. "Mack what do you have next."

Mackenzie pulled out her schedule from her pocket and unfolded it.

"English with Miss Anita." She replied, a faint smile flickering across her lips. With the exception of art (and science when they were studying astronomy, which, unfortunately they weren't this year), English was the only class that didn't make her want to throw up.

"Cool," Caden interjected, grinning a stupid, perfect, cocky grin that made Mackenzie stiffen.

She prayed silently in her head.

Oh god please don't let him be in my favorite class. Please.

"I have English with Ms. Anita too."

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