Chapter 17

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"What happened?" Chris asked once he saw Sheva's angry face and Ayanna crying.

"I just had a small argument with Derek," Sheva answered then stepped out of the way to let Chris in.

"Oh, I'm guessing Ayanna heard something?" Chris questioned, closing the door once he stepped in. Sheva shook her head no and rocked her crying child in her arms. Chris put the bag he was carrying on the floor by the front door and reached out from Ayanna.

Ayanna sadly looked up at him, and wiped her tears, then moved over to where Chris took her from Sheva and gave her a hug. He gave her forehead a quick kiss then told her, "Everything is going to be okay, sweetheart..."

"Chris I'm really sorry that this happened right before you came," Sheva apologized, rubbing her temples.

"Sheva don't apologize, it's not your fault," Chris assured her, pulling her into a hug with Ayanna still in his arms. He gave her a quick kiss on the forehead before releasing her then said, "I know that both of you are upset but I got something that will hopefully cheer you up a bit."

Chris passed Ayanna back over to Sheva then went to grab the bag that he had sat by the front door. He reached into the bag and pulled out a medium sized box that had 'S'mores' written in big brown and white letters across the front of the box.

Ayanna looked up and her face immediately lit up when she saw the treat, "s'mores!" She cheered, clapping her hands. Sheva shook her head with a chuckle and put Ayanna down so she could retrieve the box from him. Shev excitedly rand towards Chris and gave his leg a hug before taking the box from him and running around the coffee table in excitement. Chris and Sheva both laughed at her all the sudden care-free attitude.

"She loves s'mores, they're probably her favorite treat," Sheva told Chris who was slightly surprised by her change of attitude.

"I see that now," Chris chuckled then pulled Sheva into a real hug and gave her a kiss.

She smiled up at him after they separated and told him, "I needed that."

"Glad I could help," He responded, returning the smile. "So are we trying to make the s'mores now or wait until after the dance party?"'

"I think we should make them now so she will get tire herself out while she is dancing so it is easier to her to be later. If I give her s'mores right before bed she won't go to sleep and I will be cranky by the morning," Sheva explained.

Chris nodded in understanding and replied, "Sounds like a plan." He raised his hand for a high five and Sheva playfully rolled her eyes. She raised her hand to give him the high five but just as their hands were about to slap together, Sheva moved her hand to flip her hair leaving Chris hanging.

"I can' believe you just did that!" Chris told her when she burst out laughing at his expression. Chris stood there and pouted, expecting an apology.

"Aw is the poor baby upset that I didn't give him a high five?" Sheva asked pulling Chris into a hug. He didn't respond and poked his bottom lip out even more.

"Mommy I think you hurt Mr. Chris' feelings," Ayanna told her, taking a seat on the couch.

"Awwww," Sheva said and began to place kisses all over Chris' face causing him to laugh.

"I'll feel better if you give me a high five for real," Chris told Sheva, pulling out of her tight grasp.

"Fine you big pouty baby," Sheva joked then raised her hand. He give her the high five then he excitedly ran to pick Ayanna up off the couch and tossed her in the air making her squeal with excitement while he chanted, "I got a high five, I got a high five!"

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