Ten simple ways to get your creative juices flowing. It's important to remember this happens to all of us. It may last a couple of minutes, hours, days, weeks-- but most of the times there's a solution! You'll get through it :) never give up.
1. Rid yourself of distractions.
Most of us are used to writing while listening to music, or having the laptop nearby, or the TV in the background... well, if you're feeling blocked, try turning off anything that might be a distraction. Enjoy the silence for a while. You may not know this, but silence says a lot. You need to focus.
2. Watch your favorite movie.
This really helps me out a lot, personally. I'll just play my favorite movie, and it inspires me, because I want to be able to write a story like that someday, so I just get motivated to write.
3. Drink caffeine.
Caffeine boosts your energy and just gets your mind stirring - plus it tastes amazing.
4. Don't pressure yourself too much.
Don't you dare start insulting yourself or beating yourself up. There is no rush. Take all the time you need. Remember you're doing this for yourself, first.
5. Set up a schedule.
I know that for almost everyone writing just comes out of the blue, but if you tell yourself, for example, "I'm going to sit down and write everyday from 6 to 8pm", you will have ideas flowing in your head just anxious for that time to come along. (Remember to write it down in the moment if you don't have such an impeccable memory!)
6. Write ideas down anytime, anywhere, anyhow.
Whether you're at a doctor's appointment, or at a friend's house, or laying in bed- if you feel like you're thinking about something constantly; write it down! It might develop into something great. Phones come in handy because you carry them everywhere, so just type it in!
7. Is it "can't" or "won't"?
Think about why you're having such a hard time writing in the first place. Why are you stuck? You are in control of everything. You can write whatever you want. If you don't like it afterwards, you can just cross it out and write it again in a different way.
8. Listen to music and dance.
This may sound a little silly, but it's true. Listen to your favorite genre of music, even if it's classical, and dance along to it while singing. Lock yourself up in your room and give a concert if you're embarassed, just do it. Just have fun for a couple of minutes before getting all serious.
9. Create character profiles.
Creating characters is my favorite thing ever but it might be difficult sometimes. In order to write a story, you need characters, and all characters need a personality. You need to get to know your characters first of all. Sketch their appearance, write their likes and dislikes, and then make them do something in your story.
10. Know what you want to write in the first place.
Do you even know what you want to write about? NO? No wonder you're blocked! Brainstorming is essential. After you unclog what it is you want to write about, the ideas will flow easily.
There are plenty more ways to cure the dreadful writer's block, like for example, READING! I hope these help out at least a little. :)