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_____ stands nervously in front of the Hero of Time's door, waiting to have the door opened by one of your childhood best friends, Link. You grew fond of him, despite his overly bubbly personality that can be... kind of annoying, but you still found him charmingly cute. 

After a few moments, nobody answered.

"Maybe he's not home," You said, bitterly thinking he was out hanging with the Princess of Hyrule today, or something. You frowned deeply at the thought.

______ hung her head low and turned her back on the door, but a second later, the blonde she knew was there, spitting out cucco feathers. ______ giggled as he brushed a few off. Link smiled warmly after coughing out a few more. _______ loved his smile, it brought her hope and healed her, spiritually and emotionally.

"Damn feathers. anyways, hi ____!" 

"Hey Link! what were you doing?" ______ curiously asked.

"Cuccos were at my house for a random reason, breakin' my pottery," He pouts, then laughs. _______ loved his laugh, it relaxed her.

"Silly cuccos." You laughed along, wanting to get the confession over with. "So, anyway, can I talk to you, in private? I promise it's nothing bad." Link smiled once again and nods, letting her inside the house. Link sats next to_____ , who sits on a chair behind a tablet.

"So umm..... I've been wanting to ask you this for ages," The blonde nods naively, gesturing ____ to keep going. "U-Uhh... Do you find me pretty?" The blonde raised his eyebrow and slowly shook his head no. ____ got discouraged. 

"Have you thought of me once in a random moment?"

No again.

"Do you want me by your side?" Nope

"Not even for a minute?" Nope again.

______ fights back the tears.

"D-do.... do you like me?" He shakes his head no.

_______'s eyes started swelling with tears as she runs to the exit. The blonde grabs her wrist.

"________, look at me." _______ looks at him.

"I don't find you pretty, I find you beautiful.

 I never thought of you once in a random moment, I think about you all the time. 

I don't want you by my side, I need you by my side.

 not for a minute, but forever. 

I don't you like you ______, I love you."

And within those words, The Hero of Time gently pushes his lips against _______'s.

Slowly, ______ fades into the kiss, tears of happiness streaming down her face and happily accepting him as hers, forever.

He doesn't like me - Link x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now