You Are Pregnant

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Nurse Jackie:you are....pregnant

Diamond POV

You are pregnant you are pregnant you are pregnant you are pregnant those was the only words replaying in my head and I just sat there froze I couldn't move say anything because I didn't know how I was gonna tell my mom august and most of all my best friends I'm so nervous but king is happy like its all good and its not because we don't even know how to raise a baby and like so much stuff is going through my head I was so deep into thought that I didn't know that the lady had left out the room and that king was snapping his hand in my face

King:helloooo diamond come back to earth now

Diamond: huh oh-h huh

King:you good

Diamond: no I'm not

King:why what's wrong

Diamond: cause I'm nervous and I'm nor ready for a baby and neither are y'all

King:I know that diamond but we can learn

Diamond:how you don't even have your house for one.two you don't work neither do I.three you both still in school so how we ready for a baby

King:diamond listen,to me we may not be ready but this is probably a way of god telling us that we have a chance and I don't want to mess that up diamond just please let me be there for you and my baby ilu I really do fuck everybody else to me the world only revolve around you and my baby so don't give up on me now

Diamond: okay *kisses him*

You and king leave the doctors office y'all get back home and you tell your best friends and they were all happy and excited you went to your house and told your mom and she was so excited then you told august and he pulled you by your arm into your room

August:really diamond


August:diamond why would you go get knocked up and you know I have feelings for you but you just say fuck me and go get pregnant diamond I really like you I do and I want you to be my girl and have my kids not his diamond just give me a chance and I will show you love and cater to you and that baby that I will call my own

Diamond: I'm sorry august,but I'm in love with somebody else *you get ready to walk off and he grabs you by your arm and his last words were I will get you one day and he walked out and for the rest of the day you and king talked about your life and the baby

Welp there you have it new baby means new beginnings see you in the next chapter✌✌

(August Alsina)Is My StepdadWhere stories live. Discover now