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A/N: Read my author's note till the very end, and you may win a prize ^ _ ^


I knew the boy by the water fountain. He had curly hair, beautiful green eyes, and dimples that popped when he smiled. He's called Harry Styles. He's popular, athletic, and a real flirt.

I was completely the opposite. I had one friend, who's name was Samuel. We hang out often, usually talking about schoolwork or tumblr. I was brunette with brown- green eyes.

I may fancy the guy, but we could never be. He was a popular, and I was the dork who sat alone in the library.

Mr. Smith, my English teacher, gave the class a book called, "The Fault in Our Stars" by John Green.

I had already read it, but it was one of my favourites, so I decided to read it anyways.

I walked to the garden of our school where most people were today, considering the lack of fog in Manchester today.

I spotted the curly haired lad across the yard. His hair fell over his eyes perfectly. I think he caught me staring, because his eyebrows scrunched in a confused, slightly amused, way. I blushed and walked to my usual spot under the large oak tree.

This spot was the most perfect spot in the yard. It was close to the fountain, giving me access to water and enough shade and distance from people.

I could hear the populars.

"Harry!" One of the girls squeaked,

"Truth or dare?"

He smirked before answering.


The girl, who I made out to be Jessica, whispered in his ear.

"Alright." Harry said after a while.

It surprised me a bit when he strode to me.

"Yes?" I asked, a hint of sarcasm in my voice.

This must be part of the dare.

"Hi, I'm Harry." He said, dimples popping.

He'd be easier to sass if he weren't so cute.

"Yeah. So, what are you doing here?" I asked.

"Oh. I was wanting to.. Well whatever. I'll give you the truth."

I raised an eyebrow. My eyes hadn't left my book, although I wasn't reading anything.

"Hmm?" I asked.

"I was dared by those guys over there to pick a girl out of the yard and ask her to go out with me."

"Why me?" I asked.

"You looked the friendliest." He answered.

I snorted.

"No, seriously. Will you go out with me?" He asked, pleading clear in his voice.

"Maybe. Where would we go?" I asked, allowing myself a peek of his gorgeous face.

"Anywhere you want to." He replied.


"Thanks. I'm sorry, but I didn't catch your name?"

I stood as I answered. "Alex Barconi."

He nodded and turned to run back to his friends.

Suddenly, he turned around.

"I need your number." He said.

I gave him my phone, and he entered his number, promising to text me later that evening.


My phone buzzed, no doubt a message from Harry.

"Hey, Alex. Where would you like to go out? -Harry xx "

I saved his number and replied:

"Anywhere. We have to be in London though."

"Fine. Pick you up at 9:45 tomorrow?"

"Sure." I replied.

"Just out of curiosity, why not here in Manchester?"

"I've never been to London."

"WHAT?! Now we are definitely going."

"Ok. See you tomorrow." I said. I threw my phone on my bed.

My duvet drawn back, I laid in the warm confines of my bed, grabbing The Fault in our Stars.

I couldn't read the book, my mind overtaken with thoughts of Harry.

I decided sleep was what I needed. My dreams were filled of the curly haired boy who had seemed to already hold my heart in both hands.



HEY!!!!!! To anyone reading this, hi! This is technically my second fan fiction, as I had another out called "Stole My Heart". This story was came up with by a friend, and should be written the same.

The fan fiction wasn't working for me; me being unable to write it, and the idea not bending to my needs.

This will be considered my first fan fiction, as it is my idea. I'm really excited about it!

With it being summer and all, I may update every week, but don't count on it.

If you read this far, you win an air guitar! Have fun learning that! It's a very delicate instrument.

Thanks guys!

-Lexie xx

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