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But for the people who read and actually understand then thank you for your support and understanding towards the book.

- well this is the beginning of a sad book... Just saying. I'm not promising it will end happy, but if you keep reading when I update I guess you will know -

The happy toddler bounced up an down in his mothers lap. She held him protectively, while silent tears slipped down her cheeks. Trying not to let Alex notice. Alex looked down at his hand when a wet splash fell onto it. He looked up at his mother and stopped bouncing. He carefully laid his tiny hand onto her cheek where the tears were leaving tracks down her soft pale complexion.

"Mommy?" He asked quietly. "Why are you crying?" Of course like any other kid that sees their mom crying, tears welled up in his eyes also.

Alison carefully placed her hand softly on top of her child's. She closed her eyes trying to stop the oncoming tears and hummed a soft tune that always comforted Alex. She didn't want to worry him. When she heard a small hiccup she looked at her child. Little tears trailed down his cheeks as he starred at her.

"Baby don't cry. Mommy is okay." A fresh new round of tears came quickly. She gently rubbed the tears on Alex's face away. He then laid his head on his mothers chest listening to her heart beat. The sound that always lulled him to sleep quickly.

Tiny evened out breathes came from him as Alison realized her baby was asleep. She then let her feelings show as she held him careful not to wake him. She shook slightly with sobs. Putting a hand over her mouth. She gripped the hospital chair. As she tried to hold herself together she looked around the small clinic. No one was there, but her and Alex.

"Alison.." A saddened voice announced. Her heart pounded in her chest. She knew what was about to be told to her she just didn't want to believe it. She picked Alex up carefully, his head lulled to the side his eyes never opening. She carried him to the opened door where Dr. Satton stood. "Alison, the results came back not so good.. The cancer has spread." She nodded as she cried softly. "I hate to be the one to tell you. I always hate it, but you have a minimum of a month to live." He whispered the last part.

"Oh god." She gasped clutching Alex to her chest. She couldn't hold the broken sobs that escaped her lips. The doctor carefully placed a hand on her back tears were welled up in his eyes as well. He couldn't keep the pained feeling in his chest. He has been Alison's doctor since she started with the cancer. He knew she had Alex and Alex had no father. He was so positive that he got rid of that cancer. He was so sure she was done with it, but when she came to him a month ago sick and all signs leading to the return of her cancer it killed him. He didn't know it was this bad. He thought he might be able to rid of it again, but the cancer bloomed and it is taking over her whole body this time. She couldn't get better now. It was so bad she only had a month to finish her life. She was so young at the age of twenty eight. Alex was three and all he knew was his mother.

"Do you want to try the therapy?" Satton asked quietly. Alison shook her head.

"There's no use. I'm d-dying and I have to make sure Alex ends up with a good home." She whispered. She left the doctor standing there. She wouldn't be returning. She had to worry about Alex. She had to make sure her baby was safe before she left him. The thought of leaving him on this horrible place alone felt like someone stabbed her in the heart.

After putting Alex in his car seat she got into the drivers side starting up the car. How was she going to tell Creed he had a son? Should she hand him over to Creed? He didn't love her, would he love a son he had no idea about? But who else would she give him to? She ran away from her family with Creed when she was eighteen. Her parents didn't care for her anyways. When Creed left her at the age of twenty four she already had a job and that's when her cancer started. He said he couldn't handle losing her like that so he left. She knew he had a woman on the side so she let him go and figured out she was pregnant a couple months later. Of course she had a nice house and a nice salary so she knew she could care for him as a single mother.

Alex has been the most prettiest boy she had ever seen. With his long thick black eyelashes, clear blue eyes, and pale soft features, he was easily mistaken as a girl. His hair was black as night and laid on his four head in straight layers. He was beautiful. She knew if she stuck him in a foster home he would get hurt. There is too many sick people out in this world. So she had to find a home with people she trust, and for Alison that was hard. She trusted no one, but herself with her baby, but Creed was once a good man so she could talk to him and tell him about Alex. If he doesn't want him.. She didn't want to think about it.


2 days later

"Alison?" Alison turned to meet the face she fell in love with so many years ago. He kept his face blank. Alison did the same.

"Creed." She said softly with Alex playing in the play area of McDonald's. She kept a close eye on him as he played around in the area.

"You wanted to talk so get to it. I have a job to attend to." He announced. "And I don't exactly feel comfortable in this place." He grimaced as if the place was to trashy for his nice clothes.

She rolled her eyes at this and was about to change her mind, but the thought of Alex in foster care came to mind and she got over it.

"Remember when you left me four years ago?.." She hesitantly asked. A confused look entered Creed's eyes. He took a seat in front of her as he turned around to look at what she was starring at. His eyes landed on the play area and he turned around.

"Where are you going with this Alison?" He asked confused and slightly nervous. He had a good thought on what she was about to say.

"I was pregnant." She whispered and looked down at her hands. Creed was quiet and then he looked at her.

"How do you know it's mine?" He asked. She jerked her head up in disbelief.

"Really? Creed you were the only one I was with! I gave you my all! I sat there and let you cheat on me! Why? Because I loved you!" She yelled. People stared, but other than that paid no attention. He hung his head low. And gripped his hands at her angrily, but really he was in shame.

"So I have a son I knew nothing about, a son that doesn't know me. A son that I helped make and you didn't want to tell me till now? Why now Alison?" He glared at her. She played with her hands.

"I'm sick Creed. I have a month, and I don't want to leave him to foster care." She whispered lightly. He didn't know what to feel or say. Should he take a son he never knew about in? Should he make her suffer for not telling him and say no so she has to put him in foster care? Could he even do that without feeling guilty as hell? He looked at her and watched a couple tears fall from her eyes and trail down her cheeks. She only has a month..

"I want to meet him." Creed stated.

"Of course." She stood and walked to the play area. "Alex." She called and Creed stared at the beautiful boy that came running towards her. His beautiful boy. His black hair shinning, his eyes glowed with happiness. He was so innocent and beautiful. Creed walked over to the boy hugging his mothers legs giggling.

"Alex. This is Cr- your dad." She said. His crystal blue eyes landed on the tall black haired male looking down at him. He stuck his tiny hand out and grinned his toothy grin.

"Hello Im Alex." Creed smiled and took the young boys hand in his own.

"Hello Alex, I'm your father." Alison smiled at the two of them. Maybe this will work out.. Just maybe.

- The next chapter will be in Alex's POV and yes it might make no since at first... But you will catch on very soon. I hope.-

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