Wake Up

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Kellin's POV

I woke up this morning, not planning on it, but I did. Slowly got ready to go and then sat outside waiting for Justin. First day of school? No problem! Who am I kidding, I dread school more than anything. While I waited I decided to get out my notebook and doodle since Justin is usually late. It felt like forever before Justin was yelling at me to hurry up and get in the car. I hopped in and turned on the radio. When we got to school, we found Gabe and Jack waiting by the front doors. Justin parked the car and we walked over to them. Before I was half way through the door Katelynn ran up to me. She was talking so fast I couldn't understand her. I finally got her to calm down and repeat what she had said.

Katelynn "Have you seen him? You have to see him Kel come on I'll show you walk faster"

Katelynn grabs my wrist trying to drag me

Me "Kate slow down what are you saying chill"
Katelynn "come on kels we have to hurry before the bell rings"
Me "okay okay I'm coming take me wherever you please"

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