Jingle Bells

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Author's note: Hey there! I decided to do some Jean one shots. Reading SmexySensei's Jean one shot got me motivated. I know Jean isn't everyone's favorite (lord knows why, I love this man nearly as much as Levi) but if he is, please enjoy the ensuing fluff and stuff. kthanksbai

(N/N) = the nickname you're usually called, or one you would prefer. If you don't have one, then just think of your name. Example: My name is Tiana, most people call me T, Tia, or Mama Tia (lol yes).

Get it? Got it ? Good!

Word count: 4040


"Why is every holiday just another excuse to drink?" you asked with a certain amount of annoyance. The night air was frigid, your breath visibly billowing out before your lips as you and your five girlfriends trudged through the snow-covered grounds.

"I don't need the excuse. I drink whenever I please," said Annie quietly behind you. You chuckled and pulled your coat around you tighter because the wind picked up.

"Jeezus, it's cold," you whined to yourself.

Sasha fell beside you, in time with your steps and linked arms with yours. "Don't be lame, (your name)," she said in a chipper tone. "We're all heading back home for the holidays next week so this is the only chance we all have to celebrate together."

"We should be studying for finals," you replied. You pushed back the rising dread that was beginning to cloud your mind; you had heaps of assignments and studying you needed to be doing, not attending some douchey college Christmas party.

"Jean will be there," teased Ymir from in front of you, arm around her partner's shoulders. Krista glanced back at you from beneath Ymir's hold and giggled. Heat flushed over your cheeks just slightly but you resolved to roll your eyes as if you were unconcerned.

"What's your point?" you snapped, realizing Sasha also was stifling a laugh. You discretely pinched in her in the side, causing her to leap away from you to assume a strange fighting position and hiss at you like an angry cat.

"The point is you like him, right?" said Mikasa blandly. "So get him off my back."

You frowned at this. Jean has had a crush on her for almost two years now, ever since Eren had introduced them. Jean had asked her out a few times, only to be rejected so poignantly each time that you were surprised Jean kept pursuing her. He never seemed to be put out, as he took it more of a challenge than anything else.

Jean and you were close; the both of you were majoring in biochemical engineering and shared many of the same classes together. You often paired up with him for projects, exchanged notes, and even shared nearly a dozen all-nighter study sessions since your freshman year. In those times, you've gently tried to tell him to give up on Mikasa, as her interests were elsewhere, particularly in Eren. However, Jean was stubborn and he always told you that he couldn't give up on someone so perfect, someone so beautiful.

Hearing that was always a blow to your ego and there were some days you held mild resentment towards Mikasa. You knew she was not at fault and that all she wanted was for Jean to give up, but it was difficult at times to not get angry with her lack of interest. In the end though, Jean liked her a lot, and you told him you would support his decisions regardless.

Still, Jean was Jean and he liked to flirt. Most of the time it was harmless since he wasn't interested in anyone but Mikasa, but he did like to tease you significantly. It did not help your case in trying to quell your feelings for him, as it always stirred your heart and made you blush. That being said, you always took the opportunity to flirt back merely for playful banter's sake.

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