#1 Fan

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Author's Note: hory shiet, I'm on a roll with Jean one shots. I have a thousand and one ideas for him. Jk, no I don't. But I got this idea from a prompt I just saw and I was like adsklflsdjf I NEED TO WRITE NOW. So anyways, this is AU. Jean and his dumb shirts hahah enjoy! Little tiny surprises within here.

This switches perspectives, be aware.

Word count: 4329



It was the season filled with blooming beauty, a season full of life and color. Spring was perfect for reading outside and catching some light sun rays, a perfect time to slow down and marvel at the surroundings of nature at its finest. The private university's grounds were scattered with dozens of young adults lounging on the grass and attending to their assignments diligently all while a soft breeze kept the air clean to their lungs and cool on their skin.

There was one young man sitting alone at a table among a cluster of trees, rapt into his rather worn out book. Although there were a pair of headphones situated in his ears, no music played in them; the man used them solely for the purpose of deceiving others into thinking he was too preoccupied to be interrupted and that he would not hear them if they were to call out to him.

He was the epitome of the current era's "trend" with his two toned hair in a stylish cut, a simple T-shirt, a plaid button down tied around his waist, and thick rimmed glasses that he did not need because his eyesight was perfect. He was relatively popular among the female population of the university, as his charm and strong, handsome features did not go unnoticed. Though he enjoyed the attention as much as the next man, he was not particularly interested in anyone who conveyed their attraction to him, formally or otherwise.

With a satisfied sigh, Jean closed his most beloved book. He had already read it, and the others prior to this one in the series, several times over. In fact, he had memorized his most favorite scenes unintentionally and like every other time he finished the series before, he felt the familiar wave of an existential crisis crest over him. Usually, he only felt such a crisis upon exiting a movie theater and watched an epic film. However, reading these books always made him reevaluate his morals and question what was important to his own life.

This series of dystopian society fiction was without a doubt his favorite. In truth, Jean was not an avid reader; he never had been. His parents would practically bribe him with money to just read a single book in his younger days but he never did. Video games, outdoor activities, and chasing skirts were always more his forte. Reading, at the time, demanded too much mental capacity and required him to sit still for long periods of time before he could find any interest in the plot or characters. He couldn't remember exactly how he managed to find these books, as it had not been recommended to him by anyone but its plot and character development were, without a doubt, engaging.

It upset him personally that so few people knew of the series, but he had an inkling that it would take off soon enough. Dystopian and apocalyptic society movies and books were all the rage at the moment, and Jean was positive that this series would skyrocket. Between the giant, humanoid monsters threatening humanity to the brink of extinction by eating them, to the creativity of the weapons used to defeat them in the human army, to the relatable characters and beyond, there simply was no way that this series wouldn't be popular.

Jean's friends always said he has a bit of an obsession with the books but if he were asked directly, he would deny the allegations to protect his injured pride. He would only say he was impressed at the author's imagination to come up with such a fascinating read, let alone her ability to flesh it out into several novels. Writing, after all, was essentially a long-term commitment and quite a serious endeavor to undertake.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2015 ⏰

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