#6: The Doctor & Clara

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This takes place during the episode Heaven Sent (Clara is presumed dead)

Doctor's POV:

"Where am I?" I glance around the surroundings, my vision blurry. As it starts to clear up, the blinking lights, spinning dials and various handles come into view. I take it in, slowly, don't want to damage my consciousness. I'm on the floor. Doesn't take a genius to figure that one out. Home? Yes. The Tardis. The only home I know, my time traveling vessel. Place to some of the best memories and some of the worst. My mind is fuzzy but starting to clear up.

Where was I?

The castle.


I was sent there by 'me' after...

After Clara died.

Everything floods back into my brain. Clara's dead. I've always thought that the worst time comes a few days after the death of a person. I was proven right after my best friend died. The first day was just plain anger, regret that it was her instead of me. She was so brave, she acted like I would have. In one sense, I've taught her well, in another sense, she's died because of what I taught her.

My thoughts left me when I scrambled onto my feet and gripped onto a control panel of the Tardis.

"What's that sound? Chalk?" I turned my head to face the black board. That's new.


Neat handwriting was scrawled on the board.



"How are you communicating with me?"

Doesn't matter.

"I'm so sorry Clara. You shouldn't have died" I said, quietly.

Doesn't matter.

"To you it doesn't maybe. But I am left all alone, without my companion" I scrambled back onto the stairs and put my head in my hands. The feeling of sadness and loneliness overwhelmed me. A feeling I haven't experienced in years.


Suddenly, a hand on my shoulder. A gentle hand. A familiar hand.

I opened my eyes and glanced up at a familiar face.

"Clara?" I opened my mouth in shock.

"Doctor!" her face lit up and her loud, cheery, British voice filled the room.

"How are you here? In front of me?"

"Doesn't matter. What matters is that you're dying" she said, serious.

"Oh well, what's the point anyway"

"The point is that you still have to save the Universe, Doctor. I may be gone but there are so many creatures out there that need your help and guidance. You can't give up now" she placed a hand on my shoulder again, shaking me slightly.

I looked at her.

"Clara. I'm sorry" I felt a single tear brim in my eye.

"Don't be. I died happy. I wanted to die bravely, and I did. I told you everything I wanted to and I couldn't have asked for a better life with you. You've given me so many memories, amazing memories that I will remember forever.  Don't be sad Doctor. You'll find a new companion" Clara assured.

"Nobody as good as you" I whispered.

Clara shrugged her shoulder, smiling.

"I'm so proud of you Doctor. Insanely proud. But you have to be strong right now, you have to wake up. You can't die now. You just can't, to many things depend on you being alive. You don't want to give this pleasure to your enemies" Clara's face became serious again.

I got to my feet. Of course, I knew she was right.

"Clara" I hugged her, "I never got to say goodbye"

She pushed away, sadness written on  her face.

"Then say it now" she said.

"Clara. Thank you, for being the best companion. Not only that, but thank you for being an extraordinary best friend. A real best friend. Nobody will ever amount to you, I know that for a fact. I will have a different companion, maybe even two, before I regenerate but they will never be you. They will never be Clara. I'm going to miss you. Loneliness and sadness have struck me already, feelings not familiar to a Doctor. I want to thank you Clara. Thank you so much for showing me what love feels like. Not in a romantic way, but in a friendship way. I know you're right, I have to move on. But it feels so wrong"

I sighed.

"Goodbye Clara" I extended my hand.

"Goodbye Doctor" she shook it and then enveloped me in a hug. She pulled away, smiled, pat my cheek like she always did, and disappeared into thin air.

The tear that had built up in the corner of my eye spilled down my cheek. I wiped it away, quickly, not letting anybody (there wasn't anyone there) see me. Straightening my back, I prepared to exit the Tardis, to return to the real world. By exiting, it would mean I wouldn't be dying anymore. One foot in front of the other.

Suddenly, scribbles on the blackboard by a chalk. I whip around.

Run. Run you clever boy... And remember me.

I smirked, even though Clara was dead, she was still helping me.

I exited the Tardis.

Breath of air.






Catch my breath.

Let's get out of this castle and avenge Clara.

"If you had something to do with her death and you think you're going to get away with it, you don't know much. If you think I'm not going to come after you, you know nothing. Remember, I am the Doctor. And when the Doctor is angry with you, the universe becomes really really small" I said into the seemingly empty space. I know they heard me.

A/N: So what do you guys think? I combined a few stories and lines and stuff and created this. I've really been interested in Doctor Who recently and I really liked how this story came out. Let me know if you guys want more of Doctor Who :D

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