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If someone was to tell me I would lose everything dear to me in a blink of an eye, I would've burst out laughing in their face. If they told me I would end up going to therapy sessions everyday be taking three different types of pills to deal with depression, and the only way to keep myself sane was through the use of sarcasm, I probably would've told them to be quiet and take their sad thoughts elsewhere. But you know life is unpredictable, and cruel, it obliterates your chance of happiness and joy by taking everything away from you till you have nothing more to lose.

"Miss Hale? Did you hear me?" My eyes flickered up to the petite woman sitting across from me, her bleach blonde hair framed her face in a tight bob. "I asked how are you feeling today?" Her eyes pleading me for a different answer than the one I gave her yesterday, and the day before that, and so on and so on.

"How any depressed person would feel like, depressed." She sighed, her eyes drooping close making the dark bags under them become more prominent.

"Serena, I am just trying to help you," blah blah blah "you can bring a horse to water but you can't make it drink," is that a new rug? "you are just so stubborn you won't accept anyone's help." She's moved her desk to the left side of the room, it looks better there, opens the room up more. "You aren't going to get better if you don't let people in." Same routine everyday she goes on her rant, I hear bits and pieces the rest I just zone out on. "You know what, I think it's time you got out of this place, you're always cooped up here." I sit here silent waiting for it to be over before I say... Wait what?

"I heard you use to surf before the accident, is that correct?"

"Maybe." She nodded her head meekly as she toddled over to her desk, and started scribbling down on a tiny piece of paper.

"Here you go." She held the crisp thin paper in front of my face. Whatever it was it bought change, and after my experience change is not a good thing.

"What is it?" A sly smile crept onto her lips as if she could sense my reluctance.

"It's a pass to go down to the beach for the day." No way it's that easy, "but," there it is, "you will have to be back before you are required in the dining hall, and you will have to take your carer." I slowly retrieved the pass from her and exited the room with my head hung low.

This won't end well!


Hey everybody,

New book LifeGuard, hope you enjoy the prologue I know it is short but it's just to give you a taste of what's to come. Please make me smile by voting, commenting and sharing! ;)

-Kjord36 Xxx

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