[1] brothers...friend?

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JJs Twin Sister

You walk down the hall when someone grabbed your wrist and pulled you into Sams room.(The 4 of you live together).

"Oh my gosh Sam, you scared me!"

"No need to be scared baby, your safe with me, in my arms" he smirks. Your faces are inches away. You can feel his warm minty breath. He leans in and your lips smash together and move in sync. His lips trail down your jaw, to your neck and then to your collar bone. He starts sucking on your sweet spot.

"Sam," You moan. You never though he liked you, back. You've had a crush on him for almost 3 years now. Yeah, you are a young adult but you can still have a crush.But you also like Jack G, too.

He stops his magic and looks you dead in the eyes.

"[Y/N] Johnson I love you so much. Happy Valentines day!" He kisses you and then hands you a heart box of chocolates and a lady bug teddy holding a heart.

"Awe Sammy I love it!" he was blushing and biting his lip

"Awe no need to be nervous " You peck him on the cheek and walk away shaking your hips just to tease him

"damn" you hear him whisper to himself

You get to your room and there he is sitting on your bed.

"Well hello to you, too"

"Hey gorgeous,"

"um... hey Jack." Jack hands you a meduim size teddy thats holding a heart. The heart says'hug me'

"Thanks Jack" You hug him, breathing in his manly scent.

"No problem. Happy Valentines!" You go to kiss his cheek but he moves it so you accidentally kiss him on the lips.The kiss soon gets heated. He pushes you onto the bed and he gets on top of your swooning self. The two of you, break the kiss dew to the fact you were humans and need to breathe.

"I love you Madison Will you be my girlfriend?" finders keeper loosers weepers, Jack was beautiful you couldn't deny him.

"of course"you just lay there trying to gain back your breath.Then you snuggle up with Jack. you dig your head in his shirtless chest.He wrap his arms around your face and you slowly drift to sleep.Feeling safe. But not as safe as you were with Sam. Oh no what have you done?

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