Love and let go

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Jimin had always taken pride in the ability to hide and fake his emotions

"Jungkookie!, how about we go out for lunch?" he had offered kindly when boredom had struck them

"No thanks, I'm not really hungry" the younger had replied offering a smile before returning to his phone

"Okay!" He had grinned, ignoring the sympathetic looks he received from the others 

It was no surprise nor any secret that he was completely and utterly infatuated with the maknae although he himself seemed to be oblivious to Jimin's feelings for him

It was later that night he had come to Jungkook's room, offering again to spend some time with him

"Kookie-ah!, want to play with me?" He ask, holding up Jungkook's favourite game. Only to be shot down again

"Sorry, I'm too tired" Jungkook shook his head, eyes never leaving his phone and Jimin ignored the pang of hurt he felt

"Maybe next time then" he smiles enthusiastically, feeling his face fall when all he gets is a quiet 'sure' in return

The next couple of days where a constant cycle of trying to spend some time with Jungkook, only to be rejected every time

On the fourth day of rejection, Jimin could feel his patience wearing thin and after a particularly horrific day of practice in which he couldn't even concentrate properly, all he wanted to do was go home a sleep

"Jimin!, this is the 12th time today. We've practiced this so many times already, why are you still not getting it?" He hears J-hope yell and trying his best to put on a smile he apologises

"Ah, sorry Hyung, I'll try harder!" He smiles, albeit a bit wearily

On their way home he was almost asleep when he hears Taehyung shout from the middle of the van

"Jin Hyung!, can we go get take out?!" He jumps in his seat and Jimin wonders how he could possibly still have so much energy after a gruelling day of practice

"Fine, but I'm not going to get it" Jin replies, keeping his eyes fixated on the road

"I'll go get it!" Taehyung replies, grinning at the prospect of food

"Fine but take someone with you" Jin warns, his mother hen mode on

"Kookie!" He calls out, successfully gaining the youngests attention

"Hm, what?" He questions, pulling out one of his earphones

"Come and get the food with me?" Taehyung asks pouting, eyes shining with anticipation and Jimin can only grit his teeth when he nods happily, causing Taehyung to pounce on him,  enveloping him in a bear hug

"You'll come with us, right?" Jungkook suddenly asks him and everyone - including Jungkook - gapes at him in shock when he replies with a bitter 'no'

"You rejecting Jungkook, that's unheard of!" Namjoon laughs, trying to discard the awkward atmosphere now surrounding the group

He rolls his eyes, feeling Jungkook's eyes boring holes into his head

He can't seem to care though as he puts his earphones in, turning his music up to block out the others constant chatter

When they arrive home he heads straight to his room, leaving everyone to watch him mutter under his breathe, door slamming making everyone flinch

"What's his problem?" Suga grunts, flopping down on the couch

"Don't be mean" Jin glares, heading for the kitchen to fix himself some coffee

When Jimin makes a reappearance an hour later he catches sight of Taehyung and Jungkook coming in, hands full of food

"Come and eat" Jin smiles at him

He doesn't smile back but does take a seat between Namjoon and J-hope

No one says a word for a while and it's Jungkook who breaks the silence

"Anyone want to watch a movie?, Taehyung?"

"Sorry Kookie, I have some things to do" Taehyung smiles apologetically

"Hyungs?" He asks Suga and Namjoon

"We're sorry too, Jungkook but we have work to get done" Namjoon smiles

"You guys?" He asks Jin and J-hope, smile slowly disappearing

"Sorry Jungkook-ah, Jin Hyung promised to show me how he makes his 'famous' ddukbokki" J-hope sighs in regret when the maknaes face drops

"How about you Jimi-"

"I'm going for a walk" Jimin suddenly cuts him off, pushing his food away and heading for the door

He doesn't look back or wait for a reply instead he grabs his hoodie and heads out, running wherever his feet take him

Jungkook watches him leave and before anyone could react he's up and running out the door, ignoring the calls of the other members

"Jimin, Jimin slow down!" He calls, catching a glimpse of his red hair just up ahead

"Please, just stop!" He shouts, surprised when Jimim comes to a sudden abrupt halt 

"No, you stop!" Jimin screams, turning to face him and taking him further by surprise

"W-what did I do wrong?!, why are you being so harsh towards me?!" Jungkook yells back, feeling his own anger boil

"Harsh?" Jimin laughs bitterly "you mean like you have been to me since oh yeah, forever!" He yells, eyes stinging with unshed tears

"What are you talking about?" Jungkook sighs feeling aggravated

"You are fucking with my mind and I can't take it anymore!, I have been as patient as I possibly could, I ask to spend time with you and you tell me you can't or you don't want to, then I find out that you go out with the other members, and only when everyone else is busy I suddenly become a choice for you, well guess what?!. I don't want to be a choice if it's your last choice!" Jimin yells again his chest heaving and lungs burning

"Why are you taking it so hard?" Jungkook sighs feeling himself on the verge of tears

"Argh!, because I'm so fucking in love with you it actually hurts!" Jimin finally admits and all Jungkook can do is gape at him

When he finally regains his composure he takes a step towards Jimin, only to have him take two steps back

"Don't, don't come any closer" Jimin whimpers

"I-I didn't know that how you felt" Jungkook whispers feeling completely lost, he knew that Jimin was fond of him but he didn't know it was to this extent

"Didn't know, or didn't care" Jimin glares

"I- no, Hyung that's not it" Jungkook pleads

"Really, then what is it?" He sneers

"It's just. I- you- I mean we..." Jungkook trails off only adding to his despair

"Y'know what?, forget I even said anything, go home Jungkook. The others will be worried" he runs a hand through his hair, turning to leave

"No wait!" Jungkook cries desperately, reaching out to grab him

"No!... I'm done waiting, I'm just...done" he sighs, pulling his hand away

Jungkook had never felt more distraught in his life than how he is now, a heavy feeling weighing on his heart and threatening to crush him

"What have I done" he whispers, voice carried away with the wind as he watches Jimin's back slowly retreat into the night

An only when he's completely out of sight does he break down

'Im so sorry Jimin' he thinks solemnly

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