Chapter 3.

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How many chances do you get to help out an old friend who served time in jail for you and live lavish at the same time?

Not many.

It's my first day of school, and I knew exactly who I had to get close with.

Isobella Lucas.

Her father knew Liam's father. Any information I could get from him helps, according to Liam.

I stepped out of Jacob's car, sighing as I already saw the attention I was drawing.

"Have a good day." He smiled, an actual genuine smile, causing me to return it.

"Thanks, pops." I laughed, closing the door and I caught the middle finger he flashed me. He absolutely hated when I referred to him as anything else but Jacob, but I found it quite hilarious.

I wore the uniform the school required, and a pair of flats despite Jacob's suggestion to try heels. I would end up sticking them in someone's eyes if they pissed me off, and I didn't need the temptation. My hair was curled, my makeup was at a medium, and my nails were freshly done. I felt weird, but I had to fit in perfectly with these entitled shits.

I walked to the front office, collected my schedule which Jacob manipulated to correlate with Isobella's so we were bound to run into each other. I had my mission, let's hope I don't find a way to fuck this up. I made my way down the crowded hallway, trying not to get in anyone's way naturally. 

History. The first class of the day. Considering this school was bigger than most shopping malls, getting around here was like a mouse in a maze. My eyes kept moving from my schedule to the room numbers before all of a sudden my face and well everything else collided with something as big and tough as a brick. Like clock work I was down on my ass in front of everyone when my eyes hit what had sent me flying, well...who. It was a he to be exact. His green eyes were wide in alarm, though his body moved slow, almost cautiously to help me gather my things. He kept glancing at me, then the mess, then me again, as if there was nothing but worry. 


He didn't even know my name, yet that's the first thing I read off of him. I cleared my throat, deciding it was better I stand and not look like a complete idiot than to just sit there. I bent down to grab the rest of my things, the silence and awkwardness between us being thick as fog. 

"I am so sorry." He finally spoke, glancing at my binder."Danielle" Just then his eyes went to me, a smile sitting on his lips and from what I could tell, it was genuine. 

"No don't be, I wasn't watching."

"I should have been." He chimed.

"I could say the same." I couldn't help but retort. We both smiled as he gently sat my things in my arms.

"Thank you," I spoke softly. He nodded his head in understanding.

"What had your attention so badly, Danielle? If I may ask." He took small steps closer to me, the smile on his lip growing wider by the second.

"Uh...History. Mr. Watson's class."

"Oh, he's right at the end of the hall. Last one on the right."

I nodded, making sure I saw the classroom he was referring to. Once I had it in sight, I returned my eyes to him.

"Thanks." I smiled again, quite sheepishly might I add.

"No problem." He smirked, and I felt his eyes on me as I walked to class and couldn't help but form a slight smile on my lips as well. The thought of adding a cute boy toy to this already rather sweet deal would just be the icing on the fucking cake.

I walked into class, talked to the teacher briefly, getting acquainted par norm, and finding the seat in the middle of the class he assigned to me. I set up camp, getting my books out and pen ready as students started to file in. I looked up just in time to see her, Isobella Lucas, walk in with another girl. But my focus wasn't the other girl, it was Isobelle. Ha, look at me, making nicknames already.

Alright, Ri- Danielle, work your magic.

I slowly rose from my seat, noting she was on the way to the teachers desk, so, on my way to his desk, I dropped my pen. Oh, Danni, you clumsy bitch.

I bent down and noticed her shoes. I smiled, seeing as I saw and had the same pair now. Louis Vuitton, nice. 

I stood up, smiling at her. "I love your shoes." I complimented, receiving a smile as she looked down at them, then to mine.

"Thanks, yours are to die for as well." She replied, her English accent seeping through. I smiled. Happy I went with the Louis Vuitton's after all.

"Thanks." I paused, seeming hesitant but I knew exactly what I was going to say next. "I'm Danielle." I stuck a hand out, and she took it.

"I'm Isobelle, and this is my friend, Naomi." She gestured towards her friend, and her friend had a small smile on her face, and waved shyly. Hm, shy. Interesting.

"Nice to meet you." I said to both of them, smiling. Not bad, O'Conner. 

Isobella was beautiful to say the least, her blonde hair in a fish tail braid that rested perfectly on her shoulder with her blue eyes glowing like the fucking Atlantic. If she wasn't perfect enough her arms and neck were covered in jewelry I'm almost positive wasn't even out yet. As for Naomi her complexion was darker than both of ours but she was still fairly light. Her wide eyes were a light brown and her lashes could probably swat a fly, they were so damn big. She wore her uniform with a pair of Chanel black pumps from what I could tell. 

Glamours. Got it.

Just as Naomi reached out to shake my hand I got a whiff of a very familiar and expensive scent..was was it... Think, come on think.

"Is that Dolce & Gabana Light Blue Eau de Toilette?" I asked, my eyes wandering around the room. I wasn't getting paid enough, I could really be an actress. Almost on cue, Naomi gasped as she stuck out of wrist.

"That scent is like my religion. You know it?"

"Know it? My uncle stocks closets to feed my addiction to it." I lied, fixing my posture to theirs slyly. Gotta blend in to fit in right? Before we could get another word out, the bell rang causing people to fill their empty chairs.

"Danielle, come sit with us." Isobella requested with her hand sticking out for mine in a pleading gesture. I couldn't help but smirk to myself while watching everything fall into place just so. I'll have these 'Little shits'-- as Liam put it --eating out of the palm of my hand by lunch. I sat in between the both of them, my eyes moving to the front of the classroom. Lucky for me, I got to show my ass a bit in History. We all have our talents right?

"Hello class and welcome back." Mr.Watson said with his back facing us, writing his name and the date on the black board. "This quarter we will focusing on times of the Greek Gods. Can someone tell me who the strongest one might be?" A student raised their hand, a girl to be exact as Mr.Watson nodded his head at her, giving her a silent gateway to speak.

"Cronus.  He is in fact the father of the Greek Gods we know today." She said proudly. Was she dense? My hand went up immediately, Mr.Watson giving me the same nod he gave her.

"Uh I'm going to have to say Zeus. Cronus knew he was going to bear a child that was stronger than him which lead to his ultimate downfall of his obsession of killing his children. Zeus defeated his father, saving his siblings and in turn being the strongest Greek God." I felt whoever spoke before me eyes burn into my back like lasers but for her safety I refused to look her way. I can turn a flat into a weapon, too, you know?

"That is correct. You are also one of our newest students, right?"

"Yes, Danielle. Danielle O'Connor."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2015 ⏰

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