Everything has changed (true story)

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Chap 1/4:

So like 2 years ago in grade 7 one day i was absent, i was sick. The next day when i came to school,

One of my close friends (a girl) told me that there's someone who likes me in the class. I got excited, she was the first one to ever crush on me. At first she didnt tell me who, but after 4 hours she told me who.. It was so very awkward since me and the girl were close friends too! So we started talking more and like send eachother messages in class.. It was so sweet... Until one day we decided to start dating.. We went on a first date, we watched selena gomez's monte carlo (i remember every single detail of what happened) the whole thing was so awkward

Chap 2:

The first day went well... But nothing special happened! At all! Not even a single i love u word!! I tried ignoring this... When summer started we kinda stopped talking a little but the relation ship was still on. We broke up and got back like 6 times that summer. When we became 8th graders the whole thing changed. It all started to seem serious. We couldnt talk in the recess we were shy. I was so dumb for being shy. Our friends tried to help but idk what happened both of us were shy. A month after that i suddenly discover that she was dating my friend... Everyone knew... They didnt tell me... Even my veryyy close friends:// i felt like shit. Shittier than shit!!

Chap 3:

For a couple of weeks i started sitting alone thinking abt stuff that icant even imagine myself thinking of them now. A few weeks later i tried getting back like before. I actually did but wht happened already happened. We stopped talking but i still loved her so damn much. & she knew. A year passed, we grew up... I decided to TALK TO HER. Yes, i did! I was like "i rlly like this girl and idk how to tell her. Help plz" and yes i saw this online in a comic but idc!! She was like "just tell her the truth!" I actually had hope and i told her that i need to practice on her. I told her i love her. She said she loves me too. Best 1 minute ever. I fell for it I THOUGHT IT WAS OFFICIAL... But no.. Theres more

Chap 4:

I started telling my friends who encouraged me & i started thanking them!!! I even putted a damn facebook relationshipppp😖 the whole thing was real for 10 mns until my frnd sent me a screenshot of his conversation with her.. "Congrats!!" Her: "what?" He told her. And she was shocked and told him tht theres a huge misunderstanding.. She thought i was kidding Nd it was an act(practice) with her! She told him to tell me sorry. In that moment i swear i was broken into a billion piece.. We grew up one more year.. Became 9th grader. We didnt talk at all... It was so confusing... My friends forgot about it but i didnt... We used to have our moments. Like eye-to-eye moments. Burning looks... Yes. Until i found out that we are in the same school for the brevet thing... And on the first day.. Turns out shes in the same class and like behind the one sitting behind me. We became friends. We actually started talking and became close. And till now we still talk! I dont really know if i still have feelings for her or no. Im still confused and hurt. You can never fix a broken mirror. U can put the pieces back but it wont be like before. Thats a fact...

The end.


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