Home Sweet Home

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"Hey, catch you later!" somebody shouts at me from across the room. The final bell has just rung, and the school is flooded with rushing kids and angry teachers.

"Walk, walk, WALK WALK WALK!!!!" some teacher screams at us all. I shake my head in pity. No Earthly force can stop a crowd of Middle school kids when the final bell has rung. I sprint to the door, hoping to miss Jackson, but he grabs me by the collar.

"Nice try, Missy!" he guffaws. I wince as he throws me to the ground, but I just get back up and run.

"Hey, hey slow down...princess..." he huffs. He'll never catch up. I grab my bike and pedal as fast as my scrawny legs can carry me. I lift my face to the sun, and look at the scenery rushing past me.

"It's gotta be YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOUUUUUU!!!" I scream to the heavens, quoting One Direction.

"Ha ha, PRINCESS!" I hear Jackson shout from somewhere behind me. He's been teasing me for the past year because I'm a guy and I like 1D. It's whatever, I mean I don't let it get to me. I pull up by an overgrown field, hiding my bike and backpack in a bush. I walk over to my hill, trying to act casual since this is technically illegal. I hide behind the other shrub next to my "front door" ( a deep hole inside this hill) and slip inside. 

"Welcome home, me," I say quietly to myself. 

So, my mom died when I was a baby, right after when my younger brother was born. My dad was a drunkard who abused me for the hell of it. He finally left me when I was 6, just starting kindergarten. He killed little James right before he left me. He just left a note next to his body and the bloody bottle piece, saying Don't wake your brother, I'm going out for awhile. I was happy he had gone, and I was sort of happy he had killed James as well. At least now James could escape from this hell. I knew I never would. 

I walk over to a corner and light a lantern, using the match to light all of the other candles around the house. Then I flick on the radio.  

"..lips, pale face. Breathing in the snowflakes. Burnt-" I turn it off. I just hate sad music. If you think your life is so sad, then why not write happy music to try to forget? I guess some people just don't want to forget, for whatever reason they may have. I hear a sudden rustle come from under my chair.

"...read me? come in big red, come in. do you read me, red? C'mon Louis..." It's my walkie-talkie. It's how I keep in touch with my only friend, Will. I grab it and push the talk button. 

"I read you loud and clear, jelly roll. Lets meet at the drugstore. Copy? Over." I say into the tiny speaker.

"Copy, over and out."

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