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Greystripe- omsc a zebra

Bumblepaw- I am not a zebra

Bluestar- cookies omsc a zebra

Bumblepaw- why does every one think I'm a zebra

Firestar- 'walks out of his den' omg a zebra are we at the zoo

Bluestar- I'don know

Greystripe- is that a leopard, a tiger, and a fox. We are at the zoo

Foxpaw- i'm not a fox i'm a cat

Tigerstar- and i'm here to take over the forest neal before me

Leopardstar- bye XD 'walks out of camp'

Greystripe- no you will not escape the zoo 'runs at Leopardstar and caches her in a cage'

Greystripe- put the tiger, fox, and zebra in cages

Bluestar- im searching Shadowclan for more zoo animals

Greystripe- and firestar will search windclan

Firestar- kk

Time lapse

Bluestar- we didnt ffind any zoo animals :'(

Firestar- i can fly (flys around camp)

Tunderclan- :O

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