The sun and the moon. (Harry styles) (one direction)

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Nobody can save me. Its truly like im forever alone. I sit apon an old wooden swing at the park by the creek. The water was a light blue sparkiling with the moon light. The moon. Shes such a beautiful spirit. When i was little i would walk out here with my grandmother. She would tell me the story of how the sun met the moon. How he was a prince that could only walk and live at day time because he was the sun. And by night he would disapear. And how she was a princess that could only walk and live at night because she was the moon. They fell inlove but never got to see eatchother. Until one morning the goddess of love Aphrodite made them a deal she saw how much they loved eatchother so he told them if they loved eatchother so much they could kill themselves to break the curse and live forever in her kingdom. The thing is the sun killed himself everynight just to let the moon live and she killed herself everyday so he could live. They couldnt break the curse that way so Aphrodite made another deal she would give them a normal life. But they had to start over as children and find eatchother. There was a big chance they wouldnt but they had to try or love someone else. So they took the deal. A queen and king of had a baby boy on his chest where his heart lay was a golden carving of a sun. A queen and king of had a baby girl. On her chest where her heart lay was a silver carving of a moon. Now it was up to them to find eatchother. If they did they would get to live in Aphrodites kingdom. My grandmother always told me everyone is ment to find there other half. She always said she already knew my other half. She said it wont be easy but love isnt ever easy. She told me "Love will come as a dream but it can also leave like a nightmare. Love doesnt always have that happy ending infact its not about the happy ending its about the story. And even though you are apart at time, just because they are out of your sight you may always be on there mind. They may not act like it but there will be moments that you will cross there mind. And never blame the pain on love, because everyone says that love hurts. Thats not true loneliness hurts, rejection hurts, losing someone hurts. People confuse these things with love but in reality love is the only thing that takes that covers that pain and makes you fell wonderful again. It may hurt to let go sweetie but holding on hurts a whole lot more. Just becareful and love." She always helped me. The moon looked lovely tonight. I felt numb and i came out here. Blood stained my wrists leaving me feeling weak but also feeling as if i was on some type of high. The water seemed to call out to me dragging me into it. The first step i took i felt some type of plesure cold water splashing my feet. Ice cold. I took a few more steps my dress soaked until it reached my waist. The water was still but it was so cold it numbed me more then the loss of blood did. I stayed like that not moving the sun soon came up and all i could do was stand there looking at my souless reflection which so happened to be looking back at me. The wind blew through my hair as my happy lonely silence was broken by someone calling my name. I couldnt move though I could only stay still. "Amaris!!!" Nothing. No movment. "AMARIS!!!! oh god oh god are you okay?" Still nothing i just kept my head up looking at the sky I felt like i didnt have controle of my own body anymore. "Amaris......." Within the next second I let out a ear piercing scream. "Amaris......Look at me now. What the hell did you do?" "I fell inlove." And with that I lost all controle darkness took over me and i fell into the water sinking to the bottom. I felt like i was being carried out of the water but i was unable to wake up. The funny thing is it felt like i was in Hassun's arms. I looked away from the moon, everytime i look at it i have these visions. I got up and brushed off my dress. I shouldnt be out in the woods at night father would be worried. A king should never worry. I stood up running the king or englandwas visiting with his familey we are great allies we always work together Enland and France. My father and him where great friends but i never met him. "Hello your majesty." "Hello Louis." Louis was the most sassy and funny of the court. He was in the court a verry important person for that matter. Also a verry strong soldier in our army. He was also verry young. He was married to Adriana she was always by my side her and Leah. They helped look after me even though we where the same age. They where also my best friends. My mother and father favored those two more then the other maids in the castle. They where also the few that where pretty. Beautiful actually. Louis and Adriana where raised together so they have always been inlove. Leah on the other hand was married off to my brother Niall. Then there is Zayn my gaurd. He is inlove with a fare maden Perri she is our entertainment she is in our opra. They talk all the time but wants to sing with her. Infact they all want to sing Louis, Niall, Zayn. Those boys have wonderful voices. "Oh Hope where were you?" My mother gushed running up and huging me. "The creek mother." I said huging her back. "Just like your grandmother." Father laughed. "Im Harry, King Styles son." A boy said leaning down kissing me hand. The moment we touched we both froze. "Hassun dont be silly." I giggled trying to run away. "Your to slow to catch me!" I cried out laughing didnt help. "GOT YOU!!!!!" And with that i was picked up bridal style. "You know the deal. You have to kiss me now i won." "You act like its a bad thing for me. I could kiss you all day Hassun." "Is that so Amaris?" With that i crashed my lips to his. He let go of me letting me stand up but never breaking the kiss. Then it all disapeared. Harry's eyes met mine and in tat moment i knew he saw and felt the same thing. As if i was this Amaris girl and he was the Hassun boy. But nothing it ment nothing. He let go of me and everything felt cold. "I should get some rest tonight mother we do have that ball tomorrow." I said exusing myself. "Yes indeed we should all get some rest." My mother said

The sun and the moon. (Harry styles) (one direction)Where stories live. Discover now