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Shannon left her house at 12,30pm, she had to be at Albert Square at 1.00pm, she wore black tights, black shorts, studded grey boots and her top that daniel gave her was tucked into her shorts, she wore her beanie, but straightned her hair so it fell to her waist.

Shannon walked through the gates at Albert Square, her headphones plugged into her ipod playing Ariana Grande, she walked upto the small pond at the back of Albert Sq, were Daniel had taken her the night before, turning the corner she say them. Sitting on the bench, the 5 boys from Melbourne, they looked up, hearing her studded boots hit of the ground, nudging Daniel and ruffling his hair they said hey, they all approached Shannon,giving her a massive bear hug, after saying their hello's they didnt  know what to do, where to go, but they knew they had to move quickly because a Janoskianator could spot themat any time. 

Shannon found a quiet spot in the green for them all to chill at, not many people walked through the green alot, Shannon had came here many times befor, to think about Daniel, they first started talking about a year ago, from then on they just clicked, every phonecall between them ended in happy tears, thinking of him everytime she text him made her heart flutter uncontrollably, 

James took out his phone and started keeking, introducing his keek saying


he turned it around to Shannon and Daniel who were looking slightly awkward at the presence of a camera,

He blabbered on about how much they "LUUUURRRRRVVVVVEEEEEEDDDDDDD" each other, and then Beaaaaauu cut in telling them how he was looking for the perfect englsh girl with long blonde her and huge green/blue eyes, looking directly at shannon,,

Shannon brushed it off as a compliment,, a joke,,

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