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My name is Mariah Anderson, and I am ten years old . Just going on to the fourth grade. I'm a very good kid if I do say so myself. I don't know why I get treated bad .
All I want is to be in a safe home , not in some group home. That's all I want and care for . And when I do get adopted I will help my adopt mom do the dishes , sweep , dust . ANYTHING. 

         Very Sincerely,
        Mariah A.


"Nicki your not selling anymore and I can't have that ." Looking up I had to calm myself down because I swear if this wasn't about my career I would too piece this hoe .

"Excuse me what do you mean Nicki isn't selling."I addressed the bi- I mean the lady who is currently in charge of my career.

Damn I need to stop talking in third person SMH

"All I'm saying is that you haven't really been in the media every since the Grandma Remy mess ." She lucky she threw that in there because I swear I almost forgot why I liked her .

"Isn't that good because my name don't got to be said before some body messy ass start talking shit." I said giving her the bitch please face.

"Come on Nicki you aren't even men's Woman Crush Wednesday anymore ."She said giving me her best bitch please face with her white ass .

I bust up laughing . You know the good ole knee slapper .

"Knee slapper ." I pushed out between laughs .

After calming myself down. I fixed my hair and said "Well what should we do ?"

She gave my a smirk in return instead of words."I thought you would say that ."

Bitch duh this my motherfuckin career we talking about


"Tomorrow we have some very interesting people coming by here. So this shi- I mean house needs to be very spotless . I'm talking not a speck of dirt anywhere. So GET TO WORK." The beast yelled .         

Hey , there can't be too many beauties we already have 1 .And I'm enough .

But I got to work like she said . Because I remember when another kid here , told me if the house is dirty ,people will think the kids are dirty. And nobody wants a dirty kid .

             FORGET what I said when I said there can be one beauty . This lady is Gorgeous. It was one of the ladies that Tamara said was very important . It seemed to me like the pretty lady is here to adopt a kid. Probably me !!!

     Tamara told all the girls to wait in a line so when we are called we can get interviewed by ourselves.

When it was mine turn, I chose to sit by the pretty lady. All the other girls were mean looking and I didn't want to sit by Tamara.

"So Mariah , we called you in here because Mrs.Onika here wants a kid,  a girl , about your age. Isn't that right Onika?"

The pretty girl who I now know now as Onika cleared her voice to speak," Yes, Barbie needs another playmate." Everyone laughed at her joke except me because I didn't get it.

"You know Barbie from Life in the DreamHouse!?" I jumped up and down.

"No, I am Barbie."She joked pulling out her Barbie chain.

"Omg I can see it now."

The girls conversation went on and on. Until they all realized they had more girls to interview. 

"Bye everyone ." I sadly said. This was fun and I'm sad its already over. Everyone here is boring. Walking into the den.I looked at the other girls. I walked in the office at 2:03 and I didn't walk out until it was 2:26.

Twenty three minutes I was in there. Watching girls go in and out in a 5 to 10 time period it got boring.

I waited until my best friend Tiana came out, she walked into the den and sat down next to me.

We sat down in silence until she squealed.

"I think she liked me !!"

"Tuh You though" is what I wanted to say. Like come on you were only in there for 6 minutes. What can y'all talk about in that time period.

"Really ?" I asked.

"Yes, I found out shes a rapper . And she said I looked like her when she was a kid." She continued doing hand gestures.

"Yea thats nice to know."I told her cutting her off her rambling
because who cares.

Three more people went before all the adults came from the office.

"We have all decided who will be adopted by Mrs. Onika Minaj." Tamara announced before Mrs. Onika
started to talk.

" I'm not going to tell you who I'm going to adop because I don't want you to get disappointed. But I loved all of you guys and y'all personalities but sadly I can only have one ."She explained fake crying .

Mrs.Nicki ended leaving after giving each of us a hug. She gave me a kiss on my cheek though.

We all got into beds when I saw
Tamara kneel beside the bunkbed.

"It was you." She said before stroking my hair. And leaving out the room

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I hope you guys liked . This chapter was kinda slow . But will get into it

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