Be careful

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Normal P.O.V

"Ahhahahahahhahah ! That is awesome!! " Anko-sensei laughed looking at the new painted hallway.
"Um...ever thought that they can fire you for doing this....?" Temari stated with a blunt expression while me and Ten-Ten nodded our heads.
Anko smirked . "Fire me ? Pleaseeeee , I'm the most awesome teacher from em all !" She made a weird pose making us sweat droop.
"Seriously? " Ten-Ten eye twitched.
"Me no believes chu! " I crossed my arms up to much chest and smirked at Anko. "There must be something that you act like a teenage girl and do stuff that if any other theacher wouldn't do because they would be too scared that Tsunade-sama would fire 'em." I wiggled my eyebrows.
"Ugh ! Okay fine you got me. I SURRENDER ! " Anko threw her hands up in the air and had an irritated face on.
"Eh? " Temari scrateched her head confused.
"Me and Tsunade-sama are great friends and she would give me a punish , yeah , but I don't think that she's gonna fire me anyway , but.. " Anko gestured for us to come closer and that's what we did.
"Well..." The women whispered . "Tsunade-sama is my drinking buddy so no problem there ." She snickered to herself while we looked at ger confused.
"Eh , Whatever . What are we doing now?" I said looking at the new painted hallway smirking.
"You're coming with us!! The four of you !" A deep voice said from behind us.
"And I don't want to hear any excuse from any you !" A female spoke this time.
The female's voice sent shiver down my spine.
I can't be O-O

The women gasped slightly."Oh my God ! [Name] ? Is that you?

I turned around smiling awkwardly at my 'AUNT' who was standing in front of me. "Hello aunt Kurenai!"
"Oh My God, you've grown so much since the last time I saw you honey." The red eyed female said and walked up at me giving me a tight hug .
"Hi Auntie . " I smiled awkwardly and hugged her back.

"AUNT???" Evryone expect me and Kurenai yelled.
"Hehehehehe " I rubbed the back of my head awkwardly . "Well...

~~~~~~~~~The last class~~~~~~~~~

"FINALLY!! I'M ALIVE AND FREEEEEEEEE!!' Ten-Ten yelled as she threw her hands in the air while we walked out of the school gates.
"Yeah , for a few hours." I said laughing a bit.
"Eh, I don't care ! You girls have plans for tonight?" She asked smiling brigtly.
"Well, I'm sorry but I have to help my brothers today with some projects and stuff so yes , I'm busy." Temari shrugged her shoulders.
In that moment Ten-Ten looked at me with big cute chibi eyes.
"Well...I have homework ..."I said awkwardly.
Ten-Ten's smile fell.
"But.." I continued as her eyes looked back at me.
"I never do them So I'M IN ON WHATEVER WE'RE DOING!!" I said grining
"AWESOME!" Ten-Ten fist pumped the air. "Meet me tonight at the park! I you have to meet some awesome people. I gotta go now Bye!" She said and rushed towards a car which has stopped on the side of the road.
"Hm.." Temari was staring at the ground. "Park eh..? " She smirked. "I'm coming too." Temari said walking away leaving me in place confused.
Those two know something that I don't...

"Huh?'' I turned around to see Hinata pulling on my sleeve .
"Oh , hey Hinata." I smiled at her.
"It's everything ok?" She asked and tilted her head to the side.
"Yes, Everything it's fine. You need anything?'' I blinked
"Not really." She shook her head. "Our bus is here. " She pointed behind me.

I guess I'm going home then...

My first day ...was....Really interesting...

Sasuke's P.O.V

"Oi Sasuke, why are we stalking [Name]-chan?" Dope asked for the houndred time.
"Because , now shut it!" I growled annoyed .
"But Sasukeeeeeeeeeeeee.'' Naruto whined..

Agh this idiot.
I wonder why he's my friend still, God!

Annoying dope...

((((Hiiiiiiii Awesome people! Sorry for late updating ! I've been really busy lately ^^' School and shit.))

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