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There was a knock a the door."hey sis you okay?" A voice said as the door opened revealing a handsome man in a green mask that seem familiar."yes dear brother am fine a was just helping out my new friend." She said as she turn to you."Please meet (insert your name)" he step into the room. "Nice to you(your name)." He said as gently kissed your hand. "Nice to meet you." you replied. Outside the ball continued.
"hey sis come dance with me" he said teasingly to his sister. "No thank you." she said annoyed."come on sis you'll find your prince one day in the meantime dance with me." She opened the door. " Am going to enjoy myself i'll see you later brother ." You followed after her. Then you felt someone stop you by the hand. "Hey wait a minute will you please dance the next dance  with me?" He said with puppy dog eyes. "Um...." You said with a sweat drop. "Please."he begged.
"Alright l'll dance with you" you replied. "Yay!"he said excitedly. You giggled."Then let's go dance my girl."Sure." you said with a smile. you both step out of the small room. "but I never got your name." my name is lazy" he replied back. Suddenly  you heard a loud voice.It was the mysterious host.
"Ladies and gentlemen and honored guests you all must be tried form all the fun. Please come join me in the banquet hall. Dinner is served."
sorry this took long please enjoy
chapter 9 ~ yuki

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⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2016 ⏰

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