Chapter 2 "Hangout"

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The next Day

Ray Pov

I met this girl she Fineeeeee she got a little booty tho. *shrugs* she can twerk too. I got the numbaaa too. one lucky boy. were gonna hangout today. but to be honest I think I'm in love.

"Guys u ready" I asked. no one replied. I look aroud the house. then I give up and go to the car. guess what. these niggas already in the car. I get in and say "Well damn thristy niggas." "I ain't thristy I'm hungry." prod stated.

I laughed. then pulled off to the girls house. we got there it was huge. "Dayummmmmmm" we all said. and I turned the car off and ranned to the door. "Talkin bout thristy." roc said. I ignored him and rong the doorbell.

Malena Pov

I ranned to the door and I saw Ray and the behaviors. lmao. "Hey Guys" I said. "Hey Malena." they all said and stepped beside to let them in. the girls came down.

Nene|Selena|Alyssa: Hey Guys

The Boys: Hey

Nene: What do y'all wanna do?

Roc: How about we play hide and sike in the dark.

Boy is he childish.

Ray; u childish how about we watch a scary movie

Me: Great idea! let's go to the movie room.

we go to the movie room and I put on movie.

Nene Pov

I got my big ass cover. and sit by ray. dayummmmmm he fine but I don't know if he feelin me like I'm feelin him.

Ray: (Smiles at me)

Me: (Smiles back)

the movie begins and of course its borin in the beginning. but when the middle came. shit a bitch was scared.

Me: *jumps and rays laps*

Ray: u hurt raytlesnake. are u ok?

Me: sorry and yeh I'm good.

another scary part comes. and I put the cover over my head.

Ray: (holdin me ) u wanna go somewhere else *whispers*

Me: *whispers* my room. ( we get up)

Malena: where y'all goin ?

Me: mind yo bidness bitch. lmao

we go upstairs to my room and I close the door.but not locked. and I sit down on the bed(;

Ray: tell me somethin about urself. (sits next to me)

Me: well the girls and I mom and dad died and we moved in together.

Ray: Sorry for your lost. how did they die?

Me. *looks down* on a plane to hawai.

Ray: *looks down too* my grandmother died. *tears up*

Me:*looks at him* Sorry to hear that. please don't cry it will make me cry.

Ray: (laughs a lil) um what's ur favorite color?

Me: Purple.

Ray: Really Mines too. we have something in common. *smiles*

they talk blah blah blah.

Selena Pov

Roc is really funny. I talked through the whole movie. I was bored.

Alyssa Pov

me and prince went to my room to get to know eachother.

Prince: we have so much in common. I know we just met but I'm feelin u, u fine everythang u got a body of a goddest.

Me: *blushes* thanks and I like u too and maybe when we get to know eachother more.

Prince: Will do. *winks*

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