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changed adyel's character again, whoops

I sat at my desk filing the white sheets of paper.

cases upon, cases.

in the middle of the filing, another case was thrown upon my desk.

"Nate Maloley. drug dealer. guess he's got a crew too. file this into pending cases." my partner Ethan commanded.

in the FBI world Ethan was my actual partner in crime.

"Dolan, another case just popped up that correlates to Nate Maloley's." another FBI agent, by the name of Cameron said.

"be back baby doll, I'll have information and another case." he winked as he walked away.

I huffed as he came back so quickly with another vanilla folder in his hands.

"Samuel Wilkinson. has a record of aggravated murder on 2 counts. another girl went missing after her lunch break yesterday, she is said to be trying to buy a car. Wilkinson is said to be quite the expensive car man. has quite the correlation." Ethan said looking at the file.

I squinted at the file.

"he tried taking her for a test drive." I said closing the folder and going on my computer.

I opened Facebook and typed "Samuel Wilkinson" in the search bar.

the profile popped up right away.

there was a picture with a black bmw.

Samuel Wilkinson; selling this beauty, test drives available. call or text 987-654-3210.

I looked at Ethan.

I picked up the folder and headed to Cameron's office.

"start the case."



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