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I walked into my office, confidently. my head held high. the familiar sound of my heels clacking against the marble floor echoed through the building.

"agent chapman!" Matthew said from behind me.

I turned on my toes and looked at him jogging up to me.

"great job with that case." he said walking beside me.

"well thank you, agent Espinosa. it's much appreciated." I smiled as I opened my office doors.

"so, do you have any new cases for me?" I asked putting my louis vuitton purse under my desk.

"in fact I do." Matthew said putting a folder on my desk.

"bombs were found in a shipping package, a brown box with blue lettering."

i shook my head.

"we're not too sure who the suspect is yet but-"

Cameron came running into my office.

"turn on the tv, channel 24."

I turned on the tv and the bombing was on the news.

"today, mister Nate Maloley was going to his car when he found a box on his porch, he took it to his car and it exploded and there was allegedly two movement bombs in the package."

then something blew up behind her.

"this is happening live, everyone another bomb just went off a few blocks away."

then the tv cut out.

Nate is on probation for the case last week. I got a knot in my stomach when they talked about bombs.

all the others looked at me with sympathy in their eyes.

at this time, Matthew, Cameron, Grayson, Ethan, Nate Garner, and Jack Dail were in my office.

"okay, I'll start this case." I sipped my coffee.

all of them left except Ethan.

once everyone was out and the door was shut Ethan walked over to my desk and sat on it like usual.

"are you okay, baby doll?" he said looking at me.

I just kept looking at my computer and was typing.

"mhmm." I managed to even hum.

"are you sure?" he said.

"Ethan, I promise I'm fine." I croaked out.

"call me when you need me." he said looking at me then walking out of my office.

I typed away on my computer pulling up the files from a year and a half ago.

Kian Lawley.

he's still in prison for bombing, the judge called it an act of terrorism.

I picked up my work phone and dialed.

"hello, this is agent adyel chapman from the FBI. I'd like to make an appointment with an inmate please." I said in my work voice.

"who would you like to make an appointment with?" the cop on the other line asked.

"Kian Lawley." I said.

"what day and time?" he said.

"today at noon, please."

"alright, today at noon. just walk up to the front desk and someone will escort you back." he said.

"thank you."

I let out a breath of air.

i picked up my work phone again.

"hello? agent Jack dail."


"what's poppin' agent?" he said, I could hear him rolling around on his folly chair that is provided for us.

such a child.

"I need you to get on file and look at Kian Lawleys case from last year."

"ooh, Lawley. let's see what we got."

"oh, he's th-the bomber from the warehouse." his breath hitched.

"I know." I sighed.

"he has access to computers when he has free time, which is everyday at eleven-thirty." I said with the phone inbetween my ear and shoulder trying to get new files out.

"I can see what he's visited in the past 3 months." he said typing.

"okay," I waited.

"this guy has visited 5 new porn sites in the past 3 weeks. let alone 3 months." he hacked.

"I need you to hack into his email." I commanded.

"ooh, that's gonna be tough. do you remember Nate Maloley's computer?"

the line went silent.

"but, I can send him a virus that he'll have to open and I can see all
of his emails and everything." I could almost hear the smirk on his face.

"great, but it will have to be a title that will make him want to open the email."

"I've got something," he typed it up.

"there you go agent. good luck."

"thanks agent. I appreciate it."

i hung up the phone.

I ended up having to pick up my phone again.

"hello? agent cameron dallas."

"Cameron. I need a favor."

"go for it adyel."

"I need you to come to the prison with me at noon today." I said looking at my computer.

"you got it."

I hung up the phone just to dial another number.

"what's up sweetness?" Ethan answered.

"how'd you know it was me?" I laughed.

"I've got caller id, doll face." he laughed

"aren't you fancy."

"I am an FBI agent you know." he laughed.

I laughed too.

"I need a favor from you gorgeous."

"anything, baby doll."

"I have an appointment-"

"I'm not going to the gynecologist."

"oh my god, ethan! I have an appointment with Kian Lawley at the prison today."

"oh, the bomber." his voice became flat.

"yes, I think he has something to do with this."

"he's not gonna fess up."

"that's why I'm getting Jack to hack his email, and I can get into people's head." I said.

"I'm not doubting you, doll. but he's just as clever as you." he huffed.

"great so you'll be at the jail at noon." I said.

"I'll be there, baby doll."



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