Chapter Twenty

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"Oh my love!" Exclaimed a very thin woman who ran towards Freya.

"Hello aunt. How is Daniel holding up?" She asked, concerned about her little brother.

"He says that his father isn't dead. That someone took him. He was always the weird one in the family. Just like your mother."

Freya narrowed her eyes. "Watch your tongue aunt. The gods will punish you."

Moving past her, Freya made her way into her old house. The small town hadn't changed a bit. Everything was still old. Her old drawings still painted on the wall. The blue and red paint slightly chipping. Biting her lip, she strolled through her house.

Old memories resurfaced. Tears ran down her cheeks as she remembered her parents. They were both dead now. Who would Daniel go to? What would she do? Freya pushed open the slightly cracked door and sniffled. Daniel looked up from floor and a bright smile entered his features.

"Sissy!" He screamed and ran into her awaiting arms.

"Daniel." She whispered.

Freya stuffed her face into the crook of his neck and cried silently. Daniel rubbed his older sisters back. He knew she was sad and angry with herself.

"Sissy, don't cry. Mommy doesn't like it when her children cry, it makes her sad."

Freya sobbed harder. She couldn't help it. Daniel was so strong for a kid his age. He shouldn't have had to grown up without knowing his mother. He shouldn't have had to grow up without his father. She couldn't do anything to help her little brother. She felt helpless and useless.

"Bud?" Called Cole from the doorway. Daniel looked up and cocked his head to the side. Who was this? "She can't help but cry, shes in pain."

Daniel nodded. "Who are you?"

"I'm Cole. My twin brother is downstairs and we're your sisters boyfriends."

"She has two?"


Daniel shrugged and hugged his sister tighter. Freya wiped her tears and looked at Daniel.

"Your getting so big, kiddo. So big and strong."

Freya stood up and blew out a breath. This was going to be a long week. She laced her hand through her brothers and pulled Cole downstairs. Cain sat at the table with sour expression.

Cain could feel his mates sadness and he didn't like it. It was like a part of him died just because she was sad. He hated seeing her sad or angry. All he wanted to do was hear her hearty laugh and see tears of joy roll down her cheeks.

Freya let go of her brothers hand and walked to Cain. She hugged him tightly and then kissed both of them. Freya knew that they felt the pain she did. She looked around the kitchen with an empty look.

She had her most happiest times in this kitchen with her mother. Would her father see mother in the heavens? She hoped so. When mother died, it seemed like father died along with her. It was sad to see her father always avoid her and walk around like a zombie. Sighing, she made her way to the backyard where the whole town was.

Her father would be missed. Something was wrong though. Freya had a feeling. The feeling was strong. Her old alpha spotted her first, he looked toward his mate and then went to Freya. She was on full alert around him. She remembered what he did and she didn't feel comfortable. She wanted to rip out his lungs and snap his head.

"Hello, my darling. Back again I see." he said with a dark smile.

Freya stepped up to him and shoved a finger in his chest. "I know my fathers alive. If I find out that your behind all this, I'll make sure you die a slow death." she spat out.

His mate rushed to his side and pushed Freya. "Don't touch my husband you witch."

Freya laughed bitterly. "Says the one who casts dark magic. What? You don't think I'd be able to smell it?"

His mate growled. "I can and will rip you to shreds. This is my pack and you will listen!"

"I'm not apart of your pack sweetheart. How about you shove that empty threat up your ass."

Freya was ready to explode. She could feel the power running through her veins. The earth spoke to her, it calmed her. Not now. She narrowed her eyes at the alpha female. The alpha pulled his mate away and they meshed in with the people. Freya hated that woman. From the first time she laid eyes on her, she hated her. That bitch.


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Today was sooo great! I absolutly love my summer job and all the people in it! We were at Mcd's today and we had to answer questions the whole day on our feild trip in order to have tomorrow off. We were all sitting on different tables, our Haku (leader) told us to come together on one table to we could answer the last few questions. I was listening to him but it wasn't registering. My friend that I work with, hes like 18 and goes to college, he said "Come on we have to make the last few points. Coem over here."

I was looking at him and I scrunched up my face and said, "Huh?"

"Get your freaing ass over here." he said with like a big smile.

He said it so funny and it was in a serious way too but he was smiling. I laughed out loud and turned back around. I swung my legs back and forth before getting up. All of us were waiting for the question when, the same guy who yelled at me to get to table, said "Wait gotta call my grandma."

He smiled and we laughed. During the questioning, he said, "time out, time out. My grams is calling."

Lol hes so funny! Man he's cool. When we all left I had to go across the street to wait for my dad and when he passed me with his grams he threw me the shaka sign with a big smile. I waved and started laughing. Geez, good times. Lol sorry for boring ya'll! I'll go now........

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