Nightmares Made Us Official

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I was right. It was is a long night. Memories of what HYDRA did to me, the pain they caused me was rushing through my mind. I would rather not remember these things. I want to wake up, but my mind won't. That was until I bolted out of bed. Steve was in here he must have been trying to wake me up. Thank goodness I am awake. I was sweating and shaking, hair sticking to my face. I stared at Steve for a few moments, his face full of concern. I rushed towards him and wrapped my arms around him, a few tears rolling down my cheeks and soaking into Steve's t-shirt. "Quinn, everything is okay, no one can hurt you now." Steve said soothingly. I took a few deep breaths to calm myself.

Five minutes later I was now in Steve's room. Ahaha I bet you're wondering why. My bed was damp with sweat, ew right. I must have been sweating a lot for quite some time. Steve had gotten an extra pillow and placed it by his on his bed. He was letting me sleep in with him since my bed was, well damp, and he wanted to be with me in case I had any more bad memories or even a nightmare. He got under the covers and faced me, gesturing for me to get in next to him. I climbed in and snuggled into his now bare chest. He wrapped his arms around me protectively and kissed the top of my head. "Goodnight, sweetheart." He whispered before quickly falling asleep. I snuggled closer and smiled. It wasn't long until I fell into a deep, peaceful slumber. Turns out sleeping with Steve helps.

The next morning I woke up still wrapped up in Steve's arms. I looked up at him seeing he was awake. He smiled and leant down placing a soft kiss on my lips. "Morning, beautiful," He said still smiling. "Sleep okay?" He finished. "Yes I did, thank you Stevie." I replied giggling a little. Just then my stomach growled at me waiting for food. Steve chuckled "Let's get dressed and go get breakfast, looks like you stomach is tired of waiting." he said getting out of bed and going for a shower. I quickly and quietly went to my room and had a shower and changed into this. I walked into the kitchen only Steve, Tony and Clint were in there. "So Quinnjet, why were you in Captain Ice Age's room last night?" I sat down my eyes widened slightly. How did he know I was in there!? I never saw him? Maybe he was up and JARVIS told him, hmmm.

"She had nightmares, well, more bad memories, her bed was damp from sweat so I let her sleep in with me." Steve said before I could. "You two make a cute couple." Clint said from the couch. Tony chuckled "Well I will be in my lab, bye Lovebirds." He said walking out. Clint got up after him and walked out "See you later love doves!" He called as he exited the room. "Well, that was fun..." I said. Steve chuckled "Would you like to make this official?" He asked. I looked at him confused. "What do you mean?" I asked slowly. "Quinn, will you be my girlfriend?" He

asked looking at me. Is this real!? This.. this is.. AMAZING! "Of course I will!" I squealed tackling him into a hug and kissing him passionately. He pulled away out of breath and said "I love you, Quinn." "I love you to." I replied hugging into his chest.

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