Chapter VIII

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by: reader27®  


Chapter VIII


It was six o'clock in the morning when Henry called me.

"Sorry, but believe me I didn't tell him anything that would make him suspect you," he said.

"Don't worry about it, I know. It's my fault why he had known."

"I still wonder why he figured it out without any hint," wondering Henry said on the other line.

"There really is a big hint," I said truthfully. "It was the song that I gave you, that song was the one I'm singing when he heard me on the rooftop."

"I never knew James had a sharp memory. Oh yeah, gotta hung up now, I'll woke up those two idiots."


"You're day dreaming," Jennica said as we ate breakfast. Mom had long been gone off for work. Sunday was only her rest day and though it's her rest day, she still brings her works at home.

"Don't mind me just eat, ok?"

"You sounded like you didn't have a good sleep," she said concerned.

I didn't. It's like three in the morning when I got home. I tried sleeping again but unfortunately the hug keeps popping in my head and I just can't sleep at all. I counted sheeps, lamp posts, grains of rice and anything that can be counted in my head, but it all didn't work out to put me to sleep. I tried thinking of the hot guys in the campus but it just keeps me more awake, so I dropped it. Instead, I sing a lullaby my dad would sung at me. But, it just made me reminisce more things about my dad. In the end, I end up just thinking about the things that is happening in my current life and waited for the sun to shine. "I really didn't have a good sleep, Jennica."

"Do you have classes today?"

"Thankfully, I didn't have any since it's a rest day coz of the assembly last night."

"Then, can we go to the park later when you get rest?" Jennica asked pouting. She knew well that I won't stand it.

"Of course, little angel." I couldn't just say no to her. I loves my sister and I cared for her so much. But sometimes I scold her if she did something naughty and would tell Jennica what's wrong and what's right. After all she was just a child prone to committing mistakes and that goes with me too.

After cooking some pasta for lunch, and got some coloring materials for Jennica to keep her busy, I got straight to my room. I played The Lazy Song by Bruno Mars on my stereo and soon I find myself drifting off to sleep.


I had a dreamless sleep, well as far as I remember, I don't. But doctors said that we always have dreams it's just we tend to forget most of it when we wake up. What woke me up though? It was the feeling like I'm falling and was shocked that made my heart suddenly beats fast, but I had realized I was really falling and landed on my butt.

I heard Jennica's muffled laughter from the other side of my bed and from the looks of it, she pushed me off the bed. I searched for my glasses on my side table and put it on. "Why did you push me off my bed?" I asked Jennica.

"I was trying to wake you up but you sleep like dead, so I pushed you off the bed."

"Why did you wake me up anyway? Do you want to go to the park now?"

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