Chapter Ten

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(Hey, guys! Sorry about interrupting your reading and all. I don't like doing this anyway, but  I need feed back on here. So yeah. Once again sorry)

**Blue's P.O.V**

"BLUE, GET UP." Some annoying git said hitting me with a pillow.

"Hit me one more time, and I swear." I growled. They kept hitting me. I opened my eyes slightly. Its was Hermione.

"Hermione. What are you doing in my dorm?" I asked groggily. She smiled slightly at me. 

"I have to wake you up." She said slyly. I rolled my eyes at her, and sat up. I grabbed my pillow and hit her. She stumbled.

"Why'd you do that?" She asked.

"To show you how it feels." I said to her, and stood up going over to my dresser. 

"Its a free day." Hermione called walked out of the room.(Sorry, about not putting anything about the classes, and all. I just can't come up with any lessons, and I'm not to good at school anyway.) Grabbing my outfit for the day, and heading towards the bathroom. I turned on the shower, and had about a twenty minute shower. I hopped out, and dried off. I out this on: [polyvore] . When I was done, I went down stares. Fred, Harry, Hermione, Ron, Lee, Scottie, Alondra, and Indya were waiting in the Common Room.

"Who are you guys waiting for?" I asked stepping on the bottom step. Fred's head snapped towards me, and smiled. He ran over to me, and picked me up and spun me around in a hug. I laughed, and just smiled at him.

"Fred! Put me down!" I said giggling. He smiled, and put me down. Fred and I aren't dating, we just admitted that we had feelings for each other yesterday.

"Why don't you two just date already!" Dean said from where him and Seamus was sitting.

"We'll date when you and Seamus kiss!" I yelled to him as a joke. Him and Seamus both had a disgusted look on their faces. Everyone was laughing, and trying to breath. I was the only one, besides Dean and Seamus, that was not laughing. I felt someone put their arm around my waist. I looked over, and saw it was Fred's arm. 

"HEY! WHY DON'T WE GO TO THE GREAT HALL?!" I yelled to my friends. They all agreed especially Ron. We got to the Great Gall and sat down. Me beside of Fred, and Hermione on my other side.  We were laughing, and goofing off until Harry, Hermione, and Ron pulled me out of the Great Hall.

"Yes?" I asked them.

"Do you know anything about the Sorcer's Stone?" Hermione asked.

"Yes. Why?" I asked.

"Tell us. And we think Snape is after it." Harry explained.

"Harry, my uncle is not after the Stone. He's one of the teachers that are protecting the stone." I said to him.

"Please, just tell us what you know." Ron said.

"Fine. The Sorcer's Stone was created by Nicholas Flamel. He created it for him and his wife for internal life." I said.

"Why would Snape want internal life?" Harry asked.

"One, Harry, we don't actually know it was Snape. All you saw what him limping. And two, we have to include Blue since she's the one that told us about it, and we asked her. We need her." Hermione said.

"Snape limping? No that's just his swagger. Its damaged pretty badly. And yeah, you have to include me." I said. They smiled at my joke.

"Okay. You can come with us, but there's this three headed dog. Wanna come with us to Hagrid's today after curfew?" Harry said.

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